Part 12: To the Gardens

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Batman Pov:

After dealing with Harley Quinn, me and Robin once again back together, look around the area we're currently in just thinking about how we'll make it to the Botanical Gardens.

Robin: So, the quickest way to the Gardens is to make it out of Penitentiary, go from here to Medical, and directly into Arkham East. The real question is, what are we going to do about all the crazies running around?

Batman: For now knock them out.

We walk back into Controlled Access and see one of Joker's present boxes sitting in the middle of the room. As Robin goes to open it, we listen to Joker's voice once more.

Joker(Speaker): Oh, Harley was just the warm up, heroes. And to be fair for the little scamp, she did an OK job. Let's call it a B plus. But, between you two and me, I'm aiming for the A grade. Just got to mix a couple more of these chemicals and I'll be creating my own personal army.

Joker leaves, and Robin gives me a very grim look.

Robin: That doesn't sound very good.

Batman: No, it doesn't. C'mon. We've got a long way to go to get to the Gardens.

We go back into the Main Cell Block and down the hall we arrived in, only to be met with another of the insane inmates. We take him down as a team when Robin sweeps the leg and I divebomb right on top of him, earning a sigh from Robin.

Robin: Remind me never to tick one of these guys off, Bruce.

Batman: Your reflexes need work.

Robin: [Sarcastically] Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

We make our way back into the Cell Access point where another report from Jack Ryder is playing on the radio.

Reporter: We're back at the Gotham Bay with our reporter, Jack Ryder. Jack, we're seeing that all access to the island has been restricted. Police and state troopers are manning checkpoints.

Jack Ryder: That's correct. The island is effectively cut off from the mainland. Nothing on or off. Early reports that Batman and Robin themselves are on the island appear to be confirmed. Eyewitness reports that the Dynamic Duo were returning the Joker to Arkham after the incident at the Mayor's office. There are unconfirmed reports that Batman and Robin were killed during the Joker's daring escape, but I must stress. This is currently unconfirmed. More as it happens. Back to the studio.

Reporter: Thank you, Jack. We'll bring you more as it happens. As Jack said, we do not know for certain, but it appears Batman and Robin may have been killed in the breakout attempt. Stay on this channel for the latest news. Now, back to the scheduled program.

After making it back outside to Arkham Island, we see more insane inmates roaming around. We take one of them down and Joker's voice appears in the background.

Joker(Speaker): Good evening, residents of Joker Asylum. Some of our... crazier guests have crashed the party early. And when I say crazy, I mean real psycho. Word of warning. If anyone sees a dribbling foot barking at the moon or maybe just purring like a kitten, do your civic duty. Walk up to them. Put your arm around them. Show them that you care before you wring their necks. And then, get your lazy asses to the Gardens. I'm cooking up a little surprise and don't want to be disturbed. Understand?

After dealing with the last of the insane inmate outside of Penitentiary, me and Robin make our way back inside to The Joker's little room for another one of his insane meetings.

Joker Tv: Let's talk about employee relations, Bats. Harley disappointed me and now she's out of the picture. Gone. Forgotten. Dead to me. You get the idea. What's it like in your organization? Do you punish your hired help when they fail you? Or is that saucy outfit you make him wear punishment enough?

This time he was referring to Robin. Dick, Y/n, even Jason had reasons why they wanted to wear the costume. Dick wanted revenge for his family's death, Y/n wanted to aid me in the fight of saving this city, and Jason wanted to prove himself to the criminals. I look over to Robin and see him put his hand into a fist, and I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. After that we make our way to Arkham North and we start hearing gunfire up ahead of us.

Guard #1: [Through shooting] I'm running out of ammo! Where are these things coming from?

Guard #2: They're all over me...

We get through the tunnels and see even more of the insane inmates running around. While we're taking care of them, Joker's voice plays on the speaker once again.

Joker(Speaker): [Intrigued] Are you satisfied with your body? Do you crave the kind of powerful body only I can give you? A body literally throbbing with the power of a god? Just sign up for my Titan program and I, Joker, lord of Arkham Asylum, will deliver. And you know what's best? Each trial pack of Titan comes with a personal guarantee that will enter you into a drawing to be the first to march on Gotham. C'mon boys! First one's free.

After dealing with this army of insane inmates, Joker's voice comes back to talk about signing up for this Titan program for those who didn't listen the first time.

Joker(Speaker): Sign-up for the Titan program has so far exceeded all expectations. Due to this unprecedented demand I have declared it mandatory for all members of my staff to be infect... upgraded with the Titan formula. Don't be afraid. I know you've heard stories of mutations and monstrous side effects, but don't worry. Those really don't happen too often.

After once again having to listen to Joker's voice, we proceed to walk into the tunnels leading into Arkham East and there's about the same amount of insane inmates running loose on Arkham Island as we speak. We take the one in the tunnels down and Robin lets out a sigh of tiredness.

Robin: How many of these guys do we have to bap before they get the hint?

Batman: As many as we have to. C'mon, Robin. We're almost at the Gardens.

Finally we make it to the Botanical Gardens, and the place where Joker's creating the Titan/Venom serum. Hopefully we can finally be rid of him before the whole Asylum, and maybe even Gotham City gets overrun with Titan induced crooks running around destroying anything in their path.

(Finally finished with this chapter. Sorry for the delay everyone, just had other stuff on my plate at the moment, but don't worry. I fully intend to continue the Arkham series and before anyone is gonna say anything, yes that includes Injustice as well. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as the other ones and as always, remind me if there's anything you want to see as this series continues onward.)

Word Count: 1151

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now