Part 17: Final Confrontation part 2

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Last Time on Batman and Robin Arkham Asylum...

Joker Tv: Are you excited about this, heroes? I mean, we've been building up to this point all night. Don't tell me you've not been looking forward to it. I know I have.

Joker then takes off the television and starts laughing at Batman and Robin.

Joker: Surprise! Everyone always said I should be in television. You don't want to miss this. Really. It'll be a blast. [Sets television down on chair; walks into room] 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Batman: Robin! Get down!


After the explosion went off Batman tried pushing Robin out of the way, only for them both to get caught in the blast radius. They slowly stagger to their feet and look back into the room to where Joker walked into. Batman and Robin walk through the small hole from the blast and walk into the room to see Joker sitting on a giant bone-like throne, with Scarface sitting next to him.

Joker: [To Scarface; angered] Why didn't you stop Batman and Robin?

One of Joker's Blackgate Inmates attempts to charge at Batman, but before he can the Dark Knight brings his fist toward the crook's face and backhands him down.

Scarface: [Arguing with Joker] Me? It was your plan, you goofy clown!

A second inmate attempts to finish where the first one ended, only to get thrown to the side from Robin. A third inmate attempts to charge at the Dynamic Duo, only for Batman and Robin both to backhand him.

Joker: [Scoffs; tosses Scarface away] Ahh, I'm sending you back to the Ventriloquist where you belong!

Scarface lands next to Batman's feet and one of Joker's Titan Henchmen attempts to charge headstrong at the Dynamic Duo, only to be stopped by a chain around its neck.

Joker: [Irritated] You had to spoil everything, didn't you? Beating up Bane, feeding Scarecrow to Croc, slapping around Harley -- my hobby, by the way -- and ruining all my lovely Venom plants.

Robin: Like we told you before...

Batman: It's over, Joker.

Joker: [Not ready to throw in the towel; pulls lever] Over? Why, my dear delusional Dark Knight and Boy Wonder, it hasn't even begun!

Joker releases his Titan Henchmen and they start walking over to the Dynamic Duo, ready to do Joker's bidding. Batman and Robin then get surrounded by the two Titans plus Blackgate Inmates as they get into defensive positions.

Robin: What's the plan, Batman?

Batman: Stop Joker at all cost.

One of the Titans tries to hit Robin as an inmate charges at him, but due to the Boy Wonder's quick reflexes he jumps out of the way and the inmate gets hit instead. The second Titan then focuses his eyes on Batman, but before it can charge the Dark Knight tosses a Batarang at the creature and sends it into the wall.

Batman: [Beats down on Titan] Robin, use your Shuriken. Hit it in the skull!

Robin: [Thumbs up] On it!

The Titan that Robin's dealing with starts charging at him, only Robin uses the Zip Kick to move away to an inmate, kicking him down and throws a Shuriken at the Titan, making it charge directly into the wall. Robin starts beating the Titan down and jumps back over to the Blackgate Inmates after the Titan tries smashing into the ground, knocking the inmates down.

Batman and Robin: Arkham Asylum x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now