A Sun Cycle with Mimi

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Your head is foggy as you slowly begin to wake up. Before you open your eyes, you notice how comfortable you are. Could you be on a bed? You quickly realize that the comfort that you're feeling means one thing. Someone found you when you hit the surface of the planet and moved you.

Your vision is a blur as you slowly open your eyes, and the first thing you see is a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes laying on the bed staring right in your face. After a couple seconds, it clicks in the little girl's brain that you're awake and her cheeks flush a bright pink in surprise.


She screams as she quickly scurrys off the bed and runs out of the room screaming and slams the door shut.


You can hear a bunch of banging and clanging outside of the room as if the little girl is knocking a bunch of stuff down screaming as she runs around the house. Then you hear the soft voice of a woman outside of the room.

" Mimi! Calm down, silly. You might scare him if you keep yelling and making a bunch of noise. "

The banging and clanging stops abruptly and it's quiet for a few seconds. Then the door opens slowly and you see a woman, presumably the girl's mother, standing in the doorway holding a mug.

" You're finally awake. "

The woman says softly as she walks over to your bedside and sits down in a chair. She holds the mug outwards towards you.

" Coffee? "

She asks kindly.

You shake your head declining the hot drink from the stranger.

" That was quite a fall you took. The village folk were amazed and you were quite the talk of the town for a few days. You landed right in my garden and there wasn't a scratch on you. The people here have taken to calling you "Star Faller" and you had so many visitors while you were unconscious. Do you remember anything before the fall? "

You think about your encounter in space with The One and The Omniverse, but you obscure the truth as to not give any information to this woman.

" No. I only remember falling. "

You tell her as she puts her hand on your forehead to see if you're doing well. As she's examining you, you realize that The Holy Omniverse Transcript is missing.

" I remember when I fell, I had a book in my hands that was very important to me. "

" Oh? "

She exclaims.

" A book? When we found you, there was no book at all. It was just you lying inside a crater in my garden. Well, Mimi actually saw you first and found you before coming to get me. "

The woman then turns and looks at the little girl who's peeking out from behind the door frame of the room.

" Mimi, come and say hi. Don't you want to talk to the Star Faller? You're the one who was so worried about him when you found him. "

The little girl's face turns a bright red in embarrassment. Then her face turns serious and she runs into the room and jumps onto the bed that you're laying in. She stands over you holding a toy wooden sword and points it in your face as she declares who she is.

" My name is Mimi!! I'm 11 and ¾ and I'm not scared of you!! "

You start to smile but do your best to hide it while this tiny girl stands over you trying her best to intimidate you. She then notices that you're holding back a smile and a look of panic washes over her face.

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