Welcome to the Jungle

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You turn and look the Valghul directly in its eyes as it stands in front of you.

" No thanks. "

You say to it as you open a portal behind it and front kick it in the chest with an incredible force, sending it flying through the portal. The Valghul instantly reacts after the strike, grabbing your foot on its way through the portal and pulling you through with it. As you both emerge mid-air on the other side of the portal, the Valghul loses its grip and you both go tumbling in two different directions at an incredible speed. Your body shatters trees and puts craters in the ground as you bounce and fly until you finally lose momentum and land on your stomach in the dirt.

You're a bit dizzy and slowly get up, wiping the dirt and grass off of you. You see that you're in an overgrown jungle in the dead of night. You remember that the portal you opened was one that you intended on taking the Valghul to a random planet in a random universe. Then you suddenly stop for a moment to look at yourself and realize that you're perfectly fine after that tumble. It seems like now that you have your powers back, you can't get hurt as easily as you used to. What powers did you have exactly? Surely the Valghul omitted this knowledge from you to ensure that you'd be less of a threat if things didn't go its way.

The Valghul's deep demonic voice startles you as it echoes from within the trees.

" That was a mistake, Abbadon. "

In a panic, you look around at the seemingly infinite depth of the trees in your environment. Your pulse quickens and you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest as you nervously scan the dark jungle surrounding you. The Valghul is close, but the darkness of the jungle and the thickness of the vegetation makes looking for the Valghul impossible. If you don't do something quick, you know that it will murder you just like it murdered Aatu and Noeh.

The Valghul's voice echoes once more, this time coming from a different direction.

" It's just you and me, Donny. "

Think… think… You need to act now. What can you do to find the Valghul?

Suddenly in a moment of realization, you use your Trap eyes to try and locate the Valghul through the trees. As you look around, you can see the Light and Darkness inside the environment around you. Your sight reaches as far as the horizon, but you can only see the vegetation and wildlife of the jungle.

" Fuck. "

You mutter to yourself in duress as your heart beats faster and faster. You begin to sweat thinking about your impending doom. Where is it?

Frustrated, you revert your vision back to normal. However, to your surprise, you see a pair of glowing red beastly eyes lurking in the darkness staring right at you. They're too close for you to not have seen them before, and these eyes are too monstrous to belong to a humanoid being… Could this be the Valghul?

You use your Trap eyes to see the shape of what it is, but again you don't see anything. It's almost as if nothing's there…

Your heart sinks into your stomach as you connect the dots in your head. That's exactly what it is. Nothing is there.

You slowly walk backwards and revert your sight back to normal. You can hear the beast breathing and growling demonically under its breath as the glowing red eyes silently follow you. You begin to see a faint silhouette that leads you to believe this is some sort of large cat.

Could it be a panther? No, it's far too large to be any normal wild cat. The eyes on this thing are easily larger than your fists.

You continue to walk backwards without breaking eye contact with this monster as your mind races on what to do. This thing is definitely stronger and faster than you are, so running isn't an option. Another portal isn't an option either because that's too easy to anticipate. What do you do? What CAN you do?

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