Pray for the Otherlands

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The room falls eerily silent as the King of Moriarch continues to stare at Tom with a look of disgust. Tom takes a deep breath as he patiently responds to the King.

" There is more here at stake than your kingdom and its morals, your majesty. We're talking about a force that will continue to be the undoing of verses outside of your own. Your verse is but a stepping stone on an infinite staircase that this great evil has been climbing since the Otherlands has come into existence. By helping us, you will not only be saving your verse, but you will also be potentially saving the rest of the Otherlands as well by preventing this evil from ascending the staircase any further. I understand that millions of your people have died in the war over the worship of Gods, but failure to take the precautions that I recommend would be putting an infinite number of more lives at stake than the amount that you've already lost. "

The King sits there and thinks for a moment, then he speaks to Tom in an sympathetic manner.

" Even through my disgust, I understand your cause, Otherlander; but I'm afraid that you ask something that is simply impossible. Many families are left broken as a result of our war. Mothers have lost their sons. Children have lost their fathers. All of this death was in the name of purity and the protection of our people against the twisted nature of The Dark Ones. Worshiping them after all of these families lie broken would be an insult to the dead loved ones who laid down their lives to prevent it, and I'm afraid that no amount of reasoning would be able to sway the good people of Moriarch on the matter. "

Mimi frowns and shyly stands closer to you upon hearing this come from the King. Tom looks down and notices this, then turns back to the King and pleads his case in an inspiring tone as one last ditch effort to sway him.

" Your majesty… It breaks my heart to hear that so many of your people have lost the ones that they loved in the war. I've been alive for billions of years, and I empathize with Moriarch because I too am no stranger to loss. I have lost more than you could ever imagine throughout the thousands of millennia that I've lived across the Otherlands, so believe me when I tell you that I feel your people's pain and I understand it on the deepest level.

The people of Voldoor worship The Dark Ones because they seek pleasure and personal gain above all else. They are sinful and twisted. I know that Moriarch stands to uphold what is right and your people are good by nature. The nobility of your people laying down their lives to fight the good fight is a testament to that. However, I am not asking the people of Moriarch to pray to The Dark Ones for the same reasons as the Voldoorians. I ask your kingdom to pray to The Dark Ones in the hope that the many other families across the Otherlands do not suffer the same grief of loss that we have shared.

I ask the people of Moriarch to pray to The Dark Ones for the greater good of the many other good hearted people that share the Otherlands with them. Pray to Nahzgor not out of the desire to hurt or enslave others, but the desire for Moriarch to dominate all that try to oppose and corrupt the good hearted people that live within your borders. Pray to Sowzo not out of the desire for chaos or nightmares, but the desire for Moriarch's great dream to come true so you all may cleanse Aria of the corruption and filth that the Voldoorians have plagued your world with. Pray to Reylesh not out of the desire to sin or manipulate, but the desire to make any foe that has hurt your people to suffer equally or greater than the suffering that they themselves have inflicted and for them to face the consequences for their heinous actions.

Pray because Moriarch's will to do good cannot be faltered. Pray because Moriarch's efforts to protect the innocent will never fail. Pray because it falls to Moriarch to save not just your world, but the many other worlds that are at stake, and the innocent people among the Otherlands can rely on Moriarch to save them in their most dire moment of need.

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