Mask Off

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You and Tom both fly up and out of the crater to the doorway that Pads opened and proceed to walk into the narrow hallway. Once you reach the doorway at the end of the hall, the door opens and you see a large room with what looks like some kind of supercomputer with several holographic screens above it and control panels in a circular formation around all sides of it. As you both enter the room and descend the stairs, you see a man in a lab coat laying down on his stomach next to one of the control panels.

" I think we found him, Pads. "

Tom says as you both quickly jog over to where the man is lying. You kneel down over the man and Tom turns him over as Pads worriedly asks questions in your earpiece.

" You found him!? You found Master Ryen!? "

You and Tom both look down at the pale faced man who looks exactly like Pads in disappointment.

" Yeah... he's dead. "

Tom says as he moves Ryen's face to the side to get a look at his neck, where you see bruises and rashes. Tom picks up one of his hands and you see similar marks and cuts on his fingers, then Tom diagnoses the situation.

" Based on the state that his body's in, it looks like he was strangled here a couple days ago. The marks on his neck indicate that some sort of rope or wire was used, and his fingers are lacerated and broken from him trying to loosen it. Looking at the severity of his injuries, I'd say whoever strangled him was stronger than a human... a Minder perhaps? "

Pads goes silent for a moment, and you can obviously tell that he's upset from hearing what Tom just told him. Then, you suddenly hear a familiar voice speak up from behind you.

" I told you not to come down here. "

You turn around to see Gareth standing at the top of the stairs in the entryway looking down at you. You stare at him in shock as he slowly begins descending the stairs while he continues to talk to you.

" Your fight with the Tarragon was impressive. You were clearly holding back and yet you were able to effortlessly damage its body despite it being made of nanoparticles that even antimatter can't destroy. "

" It was you. "

Tom says as you both stand up and watch him defensively. Gareth smirks as he looks down at Ryen's body and responds.

" Oh, you're talking about the inventor? Ryen's death was unfortunate, but it was a necessary part of my plan. He was a good man... his genius was one of a kind. "

" Your plan? You were hired to get us to the Czar. "

Tom says to Gareth.

" I was hired to do the opposite. "

Gareth says as he approaches one of the control panels.

" Naturally when your corporation plans to overthrow The High Temple, finding out that a group of Otherlanders intend on forming a relationship with the Czar would pose a problem. "

" This is about politics!? Are you fucking kidding me!? If we don't accomplish what we came here to do, there won't even be a city for your corporation to control! "

Tom responds as he clenches his fist. Gareth scowls at Tom, snapping back in a rude tone.

" You think I don't know that!? This city thrives off of greed and self-centered desires! Voldoor is a place that encourages and rewards the worst aspects of human nature, and the people here deserve to be slaughtered like the animals that they are! "

" Don't give me that bullshit, Gareth! You of all people have no right to play the morality card! "

Tom yells back at him aggressively. Gareth raises his voice even louder and begins to break down emotionally as he retorts.

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