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You emerge from the other side of the portal with Veronica in your arms and Mimi by your side to see a magnificent blue castle made of crystals towering into the sky before you. Then you begin to notice something strange about the atmosphere around you. It feels as if you're in a dream.

You're a bit confused as to where the Gods of Light are. There's nobody in sight and you can hear the wind blowing as it's the only thing breaking the dead silence around the castle. The Gods said that they wanted an audience with you, right? Where are they? Why is nobody around? After you walk up to the castle entrance, you feel compelled to go inside so you do so. As you look at the amount of doors and stairs that are in the main entrance, you feel like you're about to enter an endless maze. You walk through each crystal corridor at what seems like a random path with Mimi following close behind you until you eventually approach a room with two grand crystal doors and you can hear voices coming from the other side.

" This is outrageous, brother! I must stop Nahzgor's crusade to obtain Father's book! Thousands of innocent lives have been lost and if Nahzgor succeeds in obtaining the book, it would threaten the very Omniverse itself! "

" And how would you propose stopping the God of Domination, Izael? It doesn't require Omniscience to know that there's not a single force in the entire universe that could hope to stand a chance against the Army of Nahzgor. "

" The solution is simple! I will find the book first. Noeh, my brother, I may not be Omniscient but you are. You can simply tell me where Sowzo is and I can confront him myself! "

" Aatu has already failed to summon the book and its wielder. This means that the book is above our universal powers. Much like Aatu's control over Time and Space, my Omniscience is also limited to a universal scale. If Sowzo does indeed have the book, he could be using it to distort the Omniverse and alter my knowledge on the book's whereabouts to send you off on a goose chase. "

" It's clear that the book is able to nullify our abilities since it possesses power that is beyond our universe. My control over Time and Space, Izael's control over Fate, Noeh's Omniscience, and Faerah's control over Emotion are all unable to influence the wielder of the book, the book itself, and any other thing that's chosen by the wielder. Therefore we must also think about the possibility of Sowzo being framed by an unknown third party. Whoever has the book could be using it to throw us off of their trail and pursue Sowzo instead of pursuing them. We need the mortal here because he is the only Omniversal being that's currently in our universe. "

" But do you really trust him, Aatu? What if he turns on us and uses the book for personal gain? He is human, after all. Noeh knows the true nature of his children more than anyone else. His word holds the most weight out of us all and he can tell you what humans do when you give them power. "

" I know the nature of everything more than anyone else, Izael. You also forget the mortal is more than just a mere human. "

" I trust him. He selflessly gave my blessing to a human child instead of taking it for himself in order to protect her from harm. The child would've almost certainly lost her life if the mortal hadn't done so, and the mortal almost lost his life himself as a consequence of this decision. "

" Father brought the mortal to this universe and gave the mortal his book for a reason, Izael. The mortal is a Black Trap and thus he must be the one to wield the book. "

" Hold on a moment, Aatu. The mortal has arrived. Let us speak with him properly. "

You realize something different about the way they're speaking. You can hear them clearly and they sound like normal people. If these are the Gods, then why don't they sound the same as when they spoke before? Why aren't their words shrouded in godly symbols?

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