Chapter 1. Finding Out

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I was just eating in the lunch hall when my friends William and Francesca came over.

"Hey girl." Francesca spoke.

"Hiya Fran." I smiled, taking a bite of my pasta my mom packed me.

William grinned. "Care if we join ya?"

I chuckled. "You guys are my besties, of course you can join me."

Francesca had long black hair, with beautiful curls, big blue eyes and the prettiest freckles and she always wore a dress with a dusty-green jacket with white knee-high socks, and a lovely pair of brown boots with a white fluffy-trim.

William had black-afro hair, he had brown eyes, wore glasses, often wore dungarees and a red shirt with a red pair of converse.

I had (hc) hair and (ec) eyes, with often a (fc) jumper and a pair of ripped jeans, (sfc) ugly socks that I wore with the most ugliest pair of plain pair of sneakers.

We were known as the 'NERD GROUP' but Francesca hated that, she would always shout 'No! We are the smart group!!' 

They sat down.

Francesca took a bite of her Nutella sandwich. "Can you believe, we got-" She swallowed a bit of her sandwich. "We got an 100% in all our lessons, but music, but, including math!"

I smiled. "It's not that hard, we are the geniuses of this school." I said, putting my pasta lid on.

William took a bite of an apple. "I mean, I do love (least favourite lesson)."

I gasped. "(favourite lesson) is the best!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh, no your idiots. (Second favourite lesson) is the best." Francesca rolled her eyes. "Anyway, music is the worst thing ever!!"

I grinned. "No, shit." 

Francesca took her last bite of her sandwich. "Fuck yeah, it's the worst lesson."

William shrugged. "It's not that bad."

Francesca slammed her hands on the table. "Your a dick, Billy! No one likes music!!" She exclaimed, then she stood up and grabbed William by the shirt. "Got it?"

William gulped. "Yes."

Francesca always wanted everyone to agree with her, if not it would end in a nasty fight. Which won't always come in handy, I loved Francesca, she was my bestie but when it came to always wanting someone to agree with you. Things can get messy!

I chuckled. "Let Billy go."

William smiled as Francesca dropped him. "Thanks (LN)."

I stood up and slapped him in the face. "IT'S Y/N TO YOU!"

"Why is no one agreeing with me." William groaned.

As I was walking home, William and Francesca came up to me.

"Y/N!! Great news." Francesca smiled.

I turned round. "Hmm?"

"There's a really cute guy coming to our school!" William squealed.

"He's hot as fuck!!" Francesca squealed.

I chuckled. "William, and you still say your straight?"

William rolled his eyes. "Fuck off."

Francesca nodded. "Billy, your not straight."

William pushed her. "I AM!!"

I giggled. "I need to get home, mom wants me back before 5."

William and Francesca nodded. "Bye!!"

I ran home and opened the door. "Hey mom!!"

Mom smiled. "Hey, hon."

I looked at my mom. "Why is the room filled with suit-cases?"

Mom sighed. "Y/N, I need to tell you something?"

"Hmm?" I asked.

"We are moving to London, we need to move as I got a new job." Mom sighed.

I gasped. "What?" I crossed my arms. "And you think I'm not ok with this? Mom! I sound more American than granddad! I'm gonna get made fun of!!"

Mom forced a smile. "Y/N, we can do this together."

"Mom!" I exclaimed. "New school? Mom! What about Francesca and William!"

Mom frowned. "Visit them."

I raised an eyebrow. "Visit them? That's all?"

Mom sighed. "Y/N, I'm sure you'll fit in."

I widened my (ec) eyes and looked at mom. "When are we moving?"

"In 2 days." 

I gasped. "2 DAYS? FUCK NO MOM!!!!"

Mom became angry. "Y/N!! Language, go to your room."

I stormed off and went straight to the group chat.

Y/N: Guys, I'm moving:( 

Francesca: That's great, where?

Y/N: It's not great, England, London

William: What? Y/N, we have 2 stop this ASAP!!

Francesca: Billy's right, Y/N. RN!!! We hav no choice

William: Yeah

William: When u moving?

Y/N: 2 Days

Francesca: Tell ur mom to mak us her delish fruit pi!!

Francesca: We will stop it

Y/N: Imposs. Mom new job D:

Francesca: Our speling is crap in the gc.



Francesca: Btw, what u doing aft skool?

Francesca: Guys?

Francesca: NOOOOOOOOO THEY KILLED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I threw my phone across the room and began crying, then I looked at my stuff. "I need to pack." I looked up and saw a music poster "Hi poster." I wiped a tear from my eye. "You know what." I ripped the posted off the wall. "Your going straight in the bag." I grinned. "Best poster." I winked.

My mom came in. "Let me guess, fruit pie?"

I nodded. "Fran is desperate."

"Ok, I'll make it now." Mom turned away and closed the door.

I started punching my pillow. "Fuck, everything! FUCK!!! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE." I put my head into my pillow and screamed. "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

I then felt weak and began to cry, then I fell into a deep sleep.

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