Chapter 7. Gorillaz who?

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I was eating an apple when someone grabbed my arm and started taking me down the hall.

"Umm, sir? I am eating."

It was a random guy, from the music room, I think it was the person Alice told to be quiet. "Music room." He flatly said.

"What about it?"

The man scoffed. "M-U-S-I-C   R-O-O-M!! Want to here it in American?"

"Sir, I am American." I said.

"That's the point, your annoying aren't you?"

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Y/N L/N."

"Murdoc Niccals."

Then it hit me. "Oh, yeah! Music room."

Murdoc opened the door and went through it. "Here."

Everyone stared at me.

"H-hi." I said.

"Hallo." A girl said.

"Hello." 2-D said.

"Hi." A tall guy said, who was sat in a drums seat.

"I-I'm Y/N."

"Noodles." The girl came up to me. "And that's Russel, we already know your name anyway, 2-D won't stop talking about you."

2-D's face turned bright red. "What?!"

"Nothing." Noodles said. "Oh, I like your shoes."

I stared at her blankly. "We have the same?"

"It appears so." She looked down. "So, does she know what instrument she's playing?"

"I don't know, does she?" Russel asked.

Murdoc looked up. "Does she?"

2-D shrugged. "How about we ask her?"

"I don't think so." I said.

"Well, guitar." 2-D said.

I grinned. "One of my favourites!"

2-D looked at me. "Have you ever worn a uniform before?"


"Just asking."

I shook my head. "No, we get to wear what ever we want."

"Lucky." Noodles said, looking out the window.

I shrugged. "I didn't know until my mom said-"

Everyone stopped.

"Mom?" Murdoc questioned.

"Something wrong?"

No answer at all.

This was all to confusing. "I'm so confused."

My phone then had a notification.

(Y/N L/N has been added)

Francesca: How is it?

Y/N: Not too bad, I know, I know but I might be in a band.

Francesca: Oh well, it's so boring w out u :(

William: She not wrong

Francesca: Uni pic!!!

Y/N: Later, in a music room D:

William: Dang it! Tel us bout ur friends

Y/N: I probs seem real rude, Bill.

William: Oh, we leave u be, stay fucked!

Francesca: Billy's new line

Y/N: I c lol

"Back to the story, is being American wrong?"

Everyone shrugged. "Is it?"

"I don't know."

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