Chapter 3. The Sad Goodbyes

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I woke up, tears somehow still on my face, my eyes were red. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushed my hair and my teeth, then got changed.

"Y/N DEAR!!!" My mom exclaimed.

"YEAH?????" I shouted from the bathroom.

"WE LEAVE AT 10!!"

I frowned. "CAN I HAVE A SHOWER???"

"NO!! IT'S 6:02am!! HURRY UP!"

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.

"Here's a waffle." Mom passed a waffle to me. "The moving men have taken everything."

I nodded. "Ok."

"Y/N, get changed." Mom demanded.

"But I am!" I exclaimed.

Mom crossed her arms. "Proper clothes."

I groaned and put on a (fc) baggy jumper with ripped jeans.

I grumpily stormed down the stairs. "Happy?"


Mom turned to the kitchen window. "Y/N?"

"Hmm?" I lifted my head up.

Mom sighed. "I know, I know that you've fallen out with your friends, but please say goodbye to them."

I frowned but smiled after. "Mom, of course. Your my mother and I will listen to you, you raised me ever since dad went to prison so goodbye, mom. I'll be back." I started heading to the door. "Bye!"

Mom smiled. "Bye, dear."

I went to Francesca's house first as she was closer, I knocked on the door, and she answered.

"What do you-"

I instantly hugged her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I- I-" I began crying. "I didn't mean to do any harm or intended on lying." I started crying more. "You don't have to forgive me."

Francesca gasped. "Y/N." She pulled me out of the hug. "I forgive you."

"Really?!" I exclaimed, tears pouring out of my eyes.

She smiled. "Your my best friend, Y/N. Of course I will." A tear dropped down her face and she wiped it off. "I will miss you, and I always will."

I sniffled. "I better say sorry to William." I chuckled.

"Yeah." She chuckled. "And I'm sorry."

"It's fine." 

"I guess this is goodbye." Francesca sheepishly scratched the back of her neck.

"Yeah, goodbye, Fran." I felt another tear pour down my face.

"Goodbye, Y/N." She hugged me. "Text me when you get to London."

I winked. "I will." I smiled. "Goodbye."


Now I got to William's house and knocked on his door.

His mom opened it. "Hey, Y/N." She smiled.

I grinned. "Where's Billy?" I asked, looking at the woman.

She pointed to his room. "Over there."

I nodded and hopped in and opened his door. "William?"

He looked up. "Y/N?" He wiped his face. "What are you doing here?"

I sat down on his bed. "To apologize, William, I never meant to lie, I was just ashamed of-"

William frowned. "No, I'm sorry. We should have never said that."

I smiled. "Billy, thank you." I gave him a massive hug. "I, well better get going."

"Goodbye, Y/N." He smiled.

"This is it, goodbye, Billy."

I finally got home and we were headed to the airport.

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