Chapter 6. Monday

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I rubbed my (ec) eyes and groaned, I yawned and remembered what the day was and I leapt out of my seat. "Crap! School!"

I walked downstairs and turned to mom. "Mom, I don't know what to wear."

Mom rolled her eyes. "You don't need to."

"Say what now? Do we just go in pyjamas!?"

Mom chuckled. "Your uniform's in your closet."

I gasped. "Damn..." 

I got to school and I was greeted by a girl. "Hello! Your new? I was told to greet ya and show you a tour! I'm Alice, do you want to be friends?"

"I-I'm Y/N, and sure!" I grinned.

Alice did a huge grin, I'll never forget. "I love ya accent!"

I didn't think much of it, I thought our accents were alike, these words slightly hurt me. "Thanks, I guess."

She took my hand. "Let me show you around, luv!"

"Luv?" I questioned.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know it was different what people call each other in America." She explained. "What should I call you, instead?"

I shrugged. "Just by my name?"

She nodded and grabbed a sheet of paper. "We will miss our first 2 lessons as I'm showing you around."

I nodded.

"And here's a letter for your classes." She looked up. "It's Y/N L/N, right?"

I nodded. 

"Here you go." She led me to a room. "I'll show you this room, first. I like to get it over and done with, you know?"

I nodded, again. I didn't know what to say.

"Well, say something!" She exclaimed.

"Yes." I said.

She opened a door. "The band room."

I looked around in awe. "Woah."

"Music fan?" She asked, also she was looking around.

I nodded.

Then a guy turned around. "Can we play music in peace?"

Alice rolled her eyes. "Be quiet, Murdoc. I'm showing Y/N around."

I looked around for a minute, I then saw someone who caught my attention, he had blue hair, white eyes, which I was guessing were contacts.

Alice took my hand. "Come on, these people aren't worth our time."

Then I noticed the person who caught my attention was waving and had a slight smile on his face.

I waved back and smiled, before Alice yanked on my hand.

"You know-" She looked at me. "ARE YOU LISTENING!?"

I shook my head. "Yes!"

She smiled. "Good."

She continued to lead me around, I'm not being funny, but Alice was slightly annoying, all she spoke about was this random guy named "Draco Malfoy" which made no sense whatsoever because who even was he? I just pretended to play along, this was all new to me so I just nodded and listened and acted as I knew everything.

She looked at the time. "That's done! What lesson do you have?"

I looked at my sheet. "M-maths?"

She took it. "In America that would be math, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

She opened the math door and smiled. "I have P.E, so good luck!"

I smiled and went to a seat.

Once everyone was in class, a teacher looked around.

"Y/N." My teacher spoke. "Want to tell the class about yourself?"


The teacher put her hand out. "Here."

I got up to the front of the class. "I'm Y/N L/N, I'm from America, I had these 2 best friends called Francesca and William, which we called Billy. I was born in LA, America. My favourite colour is (fc) I...umm, oh! And I like music, I can play any instrument you can name!" I said about myself. I then noticed a girl put her hand up.

The teacher looked at the girl. "Yes, Miss Cracker?"

The girl smirked. "Any instrument?"

I nodded. "Well most, like guitar, piano, and stuff."

She looked at me. "Can you sing?"

"That's an instrument?" I asked, wondering if it was.

The teacher crossed her arms. "Miss Cracker, that's enough questions."

She shrugged. "Sorry, ma'am."

I sat down, and I zoned out, the teacher was explaining but I wasn't listening.

"Miss L/N."

No answer.

"Miss L/N."

Still no answer.


I technically jumped. "Yes, ma'am?"

The teacher tutted. "Miss L/N, that's detention."


"Not listening." She glared at me.

"I'm sorry." I said, not really understanding.

The teacher looked at the time. "Break, students."

I was outside, doing nothing, Alice was with her girlfriend and I was just sat there, when the blue-haired boy with white eyes came over. "Hello, luv."

I looked up. "Hello?"

He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "S-sorry."

"You don't have to be, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing." He answered. "But, you can use any instrument? Russel told me because you were in the same maths class as him."

"Hmm? Well, any that I'm know of." I replied.

"Do you think you can meet us in the music room at lunch?" He asked.

I chuckled. "I don't even know your name!"

"Yeah, right, forgot. 2-D."

"Is that a British name or something?" I scoffed. "Original."

2-D facepalmed. "Stuart, but I prefer when people call me 2-D, now, will you or not?"

I shrugged. "Sure!"

"See you, at lunch." He turned around and began walking to his friends.

"Weird." I muttered.

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