Chapter 9. Paula Cracker

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It was my third week at school, a girl randomly sneaked up on me. "Hey."

I turned my head around. "Hmm?"

She smiled, that didn't seem like a friendly smile, she was the girl from somewhere in class not too long age. "Y/N?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

She grabbed my wrist and looked me in the eye. "So, your apart of Gorillaz now?" The girl asked.

"I don't really know." I shrugged. "Please let go off my wrist."

"No." She gritted through her teeth, as she dug her nails into my skin and twisted my hand more.

"O-ow!" I exclaimed, this really hurt.

She grinned and looked at me.

"W-what did I do?" I asked, whimpering.

She looked me in the eye. "You'll replace me."

I looked at her as confused as I could be. "How? Didn't Noodle replace you if you were apart of the Gorillaz-"

She slapped me. "No! My name is-"

"I don't want to know your name, you- you bitch." I said.

She shrugged. "Paula Cracker."

I just stared at her blankly, I just walked off. Gosh, did this girl think she was amazing or something.

Alice ran up to me. "Hey! Where you talking to Paula?"

"Appears so." I shrugged.

She looked at me. "Woah, is your hand ok?"

I sighed. "No, and what is wrong with her? I hate her for all I know."

Alice took my hand and took me to a corner. "Paula Cracker? She was apart of Gorillaz until she was caught having an affair with Murdoc, she was with Stuart. Russel caught them, I'm guessing you know Noodle has replaced her, but she's horrible, in my opinion. I have never been a fan of Gorillaz. But with you in? I'm going to love it!"

I gasped. "That's horrible!"

Alice looked around. "I don't think Stuart has quite recovered."

"Poor, Stu." I muttered.

Alice crossed her arms. "Stu?" She chuckled. "Is he your boyfriend?"


Alice smirked. "Cute nickname."

I nudged her arm. "At least I don't simp for my girlfriend."

"Blah Blah Blah."

It was home time and I was walking home, all I could smell was smoking the whole way home. It never smelt like this, I got to the door, mom would still be at work. But then as soon as I opened the door. Someone, something touched me. I turned around and slapped them across the face, to just notice it's 2-D. "Fucking hell! Why are you stalking me!?" 

2-D was too busy holding his face where I slapped him, with a cigarette in his other hand.

"How long have you been stalking me?" I asked.

"I-Ice pack! O-or peas!! Anything cold!!" 2-D whimpered.


"A-anything cold!!"

I didn't realise I slapped him that hard. "Oh, right, sorry!" I ran inside and grabbed an ice pack and handed it to him. "Come in."

He put the ice pack on his cheek and he walked in, he could still perfectly smoke.

"Stu, are you alright? I didn't mean to slap you that hard." I rubbed his back, making sure he was ok.

"I don't know." He said. "Y-Your scary."

I frowned. "At least I got you an ice pack."

"I-I think I got a c-concussion, I d-don't think I-I can walk home." He managed to say.

"Stu, I think your being annoying now." I said. "Anyway, what else do you want?"

"A drink." He said, without stuttering.

I got up and got a cup and poured the water. I walked up to him. "Here." I rolled my eyes. "Anything else your majesty?"

"N-no." He took the drink.

I took the cigarette out of his hand. "No smoking!" I opened a bin and put it in. "Your damaging your lungs."

"Lung?" He corrected.

"No, lungs. Your thinking of the liver."

He shrugged.

Then there was a knock on the door. I opened it. "Hmm?"

It was Murdoc, with Russel and Noodle in the car.

"Is 2-D here?" Murdoc asked.

"Yeah, he's being a wimp." I pointed to the fragile boy on the couch.

"2-D!! Get your ass over here." Murdoc grumpily demanded.

He managed to get up and he got to the door. 

"Goodbye, scary person." 2-D said.

I rolled my eyes. "Goodbye, wimp."

Murdoc dragged 2-D along the floor. 

I silently giggled as 2-D was dragged and they drove off, playing one of their songs.


My mom finally got home. "Y/N?"

"Hmm?" I lifted my head.

"Why does it smell like cigarettes!?" My mom shouted.

I shrugged.


I gasped. "Oh, crap!"

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