Chapter 4. Aeroplane

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As we stepped on the plane, I look at mom. "Will we die?"

Mom facepalmed. "Y/N L/N, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard from you ever since you said to me 'can I marry you?'."

"But will we?" I sat on our seats.

"No." Mom replied. "I hope not."

"Have I ever been on a plane?"


"Is the food good?"


"How long are we on here?"

Mom sighed. "9 hours."

"Too much questions?"

"Yup." Mom answered.

"Oh." I looked out the window. "Mom, we're in the sky."

"Oh really? I never would've known." Mom sarcastically said.

I shrugged. "We are, though."

Mom yawned. "Stop stating the obvious."

My jaw dropped. "Duck off."

Mom turned to me. "Duck off?"

"It's my appropriate way to saw fuck off." I answered.

"Oh really? How about you duck off?" Mom chuckled.

"This behaviour really isn't appropriate for a plane." I spoke.

Mom nodded.

I looked at my feet. "Mom?"


"Why do my feet not feel like feet?" I asked.

"I'm starting to think I need to take you to a mental home." She said. "Because your in a plane, calm down. People are gonna think I didn't take you to school."

"Is it Friday?" I asked. 

"Yep." Mom sighed.

"Last question."


"Will you be mad if I ask more questions?" I curiously asked.

"Look, honey. I know your excited but also miss your friends, but the questions can be a bit too much, maybe have a nap?" Mom suggested. "I think it's for the best. Your probably exhausted by all the questions."

I sighed. "Your right."


I turned my head round to try and sleep, but I couldn't, talking, babies crying, the plane, screaming children, blah blah blah. It was technically the worse place to be in. I noticed mom was getting food for us, I think she just got a sandwich. I turned to mom. "Mom, it's too noisy...I can't sleep."

Mom smirked. "So you've been trying for a whole 7 hours?"

"What!?" I exclaimed, grabbing my phone as fast as I could. I couldn't bloody believe it! It was 11 when we got on the plane and now it was 5pm. "I've slept for 7 fucking hours? I don't even get that on a usual school night! I can't bloody believe it! This is crazy." I was on the verge of getting up and telling the whole plane.

"Watch your language." Mom demanded. "Honey, it happens to a lot of people."

I looked at mom's sandwich. "Give it."

Mom rolled her eyes. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I took a bite of the sandwich. "Mom?"


I took one last bite of my sandwich. "I'm sorry for yelling at you on Wednesday, it was just a lot to take in."

Mom nodded. "I understand."

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