Chapter 10. Silent Treatment

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Either way, I'd get into trouble. But my mom thinks I was smoking, which I wasn't. My mom aggressively put my food on the table, as she sat down, she didn't even look at me.

I took a bite of my food and looked away. "Mom, I know your mad...but can I explain?"

"No!" Mom shouted.

I wasn't even hungry anymore. "I'm going for a walk."

"It's raining, heavily?"

"I don't give a fuck." I got up and stormed out the room, opening the front door. 

I was walking, walking until I didn't know where I was. I noticed a bench and I sat on it, my clothes were soaking.

A car stopped right in front of me, I noticed it was the band.

"Hop in, luv!" Murdoc grinned.

"I-I, ok!" I got in the car. "Thanks."

"Your soaking." Noodle said.

"I know." I frowned. 

"Why are you sitting there? Soaking to death?" Noodle asked.

I shrugged. "My mom thought I was smoking, but I didn't and it was SOMEONE else." I said.

2-D didn't say a word.

Murdoc swung into a graveyard all the way to the house at the end...they lived in a graveyard? Cool!

After I got a tour, 2-D came up to me. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I answered.

He took my hand. "So your in trouble?"


"Why don't you stay here the night?"

"My mom, she won't let me if it's with boys."

2-D smiled. "Make up a lie, say your with your friends."

I grinned. "brilliant!" I grabbed my phone.

Y/N: Your mad, i know. but can i stay the night at my friends?

Mom: Only if I can speak to there mother

*Mom is calling you*

"Oh...crap!" I gave 2-D the phone.

"Why did you-"

"Hello." My mother said on the other side of the phone.

2-D gulped. "Hello." He put on his terrible middle-aged woman voice, which my mom seemed to be buying. 

"Y/N can stay. If that's ok with you?" My mom asked.

"Yes." 2-D squeaked out.



Mom hung up.


"Because your the only person around me." I explained.

He looked at my soaking wet body. "Do you need spare clothes?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I got a spare T-Shirt." He said. "That's probably all that could fit you."

My face turned a slight pink. "R-really?"

"Yeah." He said. "Follow me."

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