Chapter 15. Sick Day

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I was very tired yesterday, causing me to be quite ill today. So my mom let me have the day off. I was hardly eating, too. I just slept most of the time, later in the evening I had 37 missed calls from...2-D!? I decided to call him back, I did not feel well but I guess I do have to answer, he was probably worried or something. I know what 2-D's like!

"Hello?" I started the call.

"Where were you? Why weren't you answering me? I'm worried!! Is it because of me asking you to prom...answer!!"

I giggled. "I've just been sick today."

"Oh...good!" He said. "Will you be at school tomorrow?"

I sighed. "No, I've got a high temperature, very very tired and a massive headache."

"How long until your at school?"

"At least 1 week." I replied.

"Can I visit after school tomorrow?" He asked.

"Your asking a lot of questions, yes you can." I replied. "I'm going to sleep, goodnight."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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