Chapter 11. Feelings Rise

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 2-D took me to his room, it wasn't the cleanest of rooms. But I guess he liked it.

"This your room?" I asked.

"Yeah." He smiled. 

"Oh! How your head?" I asked. "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly."

"Eh." he walked over to a draw and began searching through it, causing him to throw stuff at me.

"Watch it!!" I grumpily shouted, taking a pair of trousers off me.

He turned around. "Sorry!" He kept searching. "Found it!"

I ran over. "That'll be fine, should I put it on now?"

He nodded.

"Ok." I said. "Turn around, then."

"Oh, yeah, s-sorry!" His face turning a slight pink.

I put it on. "What room am I staying in?"

He turned back around. "My room."

"W-what?" My face turned bright red.

"Yeah, I'll sleep on the sofa." He patted my head and began walking downstairs.

What just happened? I decided to follow 2-D, I had a tour, but I had no idea where anything was was just so...big! It took at least about 3 hours to have a tour of the whole place, but I'm not complaining that it's big. I am just in love with this place, gosh, I am apart of the band so maybe once I leave high school, mom will let me move here! If the band's ok with it, of course.

2-D looked around. "What did I even come down here for?"

I giggled. "You forgot?"

"Yup." He began walking upstairs again.

I trailed behind.

"2-D!!" Murdoc's voice was heard.

2-D turned around and a frying (flying) pan was being almost-thrown at his head.

I gasped and I caught it. "What are you trying to do? Kill him!"

Murdoc's eyes widened. "You caught that?"

"State the obvious." I crossed my arms.

Before I went I bed, I was making sure with 2-D it was fine if I could sleep in his bed.

"Are you sure?"


"Sure sure?"


"Sure with a few sprinkles of sauce?"

"That's a saying?"

"I guess." I shrugged. "But are you-"

2-D frowned and lifted me off the ground. 

My face was bright red. "W-what a-are y-y-you doing?"

"Picking you up to take you to the bed, I'M SURE!!"

He flung me on the bed and walked out the room. "Goodnight."

My face was pretty red from the whole thing. I was staring at the door for a bit. I rubbed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

It was abut 2:30am, I was trying to sleep when the door began opening. I noticed it was 2-D who snuggled himself up with blankets.

"What's wrong, Stu?" I asked.

"The sofa's uncomfortable." He looked at me. "Can I sleep on the floor or something?"

"Aww." I got off the bed. "Why don't you sleep on the bed and I take the sofa?"

He shook his head. "No, your a guest so you-" He tripped over one of the many things in his room causing a loud thud.

"Stu! Are you ok?"

"Yeah! I'm fine." He got up, rubbing his head.


"Yup." He looked at the ground. "So, floor or?"

I smiled. "Bed."




"Floor." I said, tricking him.

"Bed." He realised. "Floor!" He then thought of an idea. "Fine, if I get the bed, you have to stay in it still." He teased.

My face turned bright red, but I shrugged.  "Fine."


I nodded. "Fine." 

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