Chapter 12. Exploring London

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I woke up, in 2-D's bed...gosh, I knew I didn't mind but was I starting to like this blue-haired-white-eyed boy? No! Snap out of it Y/N, he's just a friend.

I tried to get out the bed, trying not to disturb 2-D. He rolled over as soon as I managed to escape the bed, as I as just about to leave, 2-D sat up, I immediately looked back, just in case I woke him up.

"Morning?" I said, not really knowing what to say.

"Huh, oh yeah, good morning." 2-D replied.

I looked at the time. "1:27pm!? Stu, I got to get home!"

2-D looked up. "What?"

"Home! I need to get home!" I exaggerated my arms. 

He was obviously still half asleep as he looked at me like I ate a bowl of dirt. "I'm confused...oh yeah, I see, you need to get home. You are home? No your not, your at my home. Wait...what am I saying?"

I facepalmed. "I'll get going." I patted 2-D on the head and left the room.

I got home, I was still in 2-D's T-Shirt with a skirt Noodle let me borrowed, and I wore my shoes. Mom turned my way straight away. "Y/N? Why are you not in the clothes you left in?"

"Because I was soaking wet." I replied.

Mom walked up to me. "Why do you smell like you've been in a room with boys?"


"Don't worry, I've got a meeting at 4, I'll be back at 6."

"Mom...can I ask a question?"


I took a deep breath in, I was risking a whole new conversation of my mom depending how she took this all. "What's it be"

Mom gasped. "Who!? Who's the lucky person?"

I giggled. "No, what's it like?"

Mom thought about it for a second. "Well, love can feel like several emotions at once...good emotions! And if their always on your mind, then I guess that's love."

"Thanks." I smiled, was this 2-D? I can't really figure it out, I took my phone out and walked to my room. 

Y/N: Guys!!

William: Yea?

Y/N: I may or may not be in love!

Francesca: LOVE!!??

Y/N: Yeah...

Francesca: Add to gc

Y/N: Why

Francesca: 5 mins

Y/N: I don't know if I'm even in love with him.

Francesca: Please

Y/N: No

My friend's couldn't take love seriously. I rolled my eyes as I put my phone down, I looked at my wardrobe and smiled. "Let's try an outfit."

I took out an outfit and I put it on, the outfit looked the this:

(Pictures found on google)

(Pictures found on google)

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I went downstairs

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I went downstairs. "Mom, can I go out?"

"Yeah, I got to go to the meeting soon anyway." Mom replied.

I grinned and ran to the door, I hopped on my skateboard and began deciding were to go. I was practically just exploring, I looked around, it was pretty busy...then someone grabbed my arm, oh fuck...first time getting kidnapped, fuck!

I turned around to notice...

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