Chapter 2. Last Day At School

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I woke up in the morning after I fell asleep in my pillow, I finally managed to get ready after awhile.

I opened my bedroom door and began walking to the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I said, mid-yawn.

Mom smiled. "Want breakfast?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Ok, here's the pie."

"Thanks." I put it in my bag. "Bye mom."

I began walking to school, I couldn't stop thinking about moving tomorrow.

Then William and Francesca caught up with me.

"You know, my mom did say London was just cigarettes and cigarette ash and ash trays, but America is technically just guns." Francesca shrugged.

I stopped walking. "Wow, helpful." I rolled my eyes. "Here's the pie."

Francesca grinned. "Great! I was actually scared this morning that you forgot to ask your mom because I didn't bring any breakfast."

William wasn't wearing his glasses today.

"Why are you wearing your glasses, Will?" I asked.

"Contacts." He said.

"That's cool." I smiled.

He shrugged.

We walked into school and Francesca looked around, excitedly to see the so-called-cute-boy.

Then she noticed a cute boy, who I found extremely unattractive.

I crossed my arms. "Fran, who told you there was going to be a cute boy?"

"Popular girls." Francesca spoke.

I facepalmed. "Fran! They mean ugly people, as we're nerds and I'm fucking moving tomorrow so your stuck with him!" I chuckled. "Fuck them."

Francesca laughed. "No, fuck you."

"I can take away that pie."

"No you can't."

"I can't?"

"Yes, you probably can't"

William was just watching us argue.

We soon shrugged it off. "I got English next." Francesca said, checking a sheet of paper.

"I got Math." William groaned.

I chuckled. "Music, MUSIC?! No! I GOT MUSIC!!!!!!!!"

"Poor you. See you guys at Lunch or either at passing period or maybe in another class." Francesca ran to her class, she was much more happier than William. I loved Music but I couldn't tell my friends, I could play any music instrument I wanted. But if my friends found out I would be dead.

I groaned and pretended to act like I hated it.

Francesca and William came over to the table.

"How was it?" William asked.

I was trying to picture it. "Shit." I shrugged.

"Aww, poor you." Francesca sat on the table instead of a chair, like usual eating my mother's fruit pie.

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