kazuha - lunch

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"no, it's different." soyeon, their dance instructor said. soyeon did it again, in the correct way, and gestured kazuha to try again. kazuha huffed and tried again, still getting it wrong. soyeon sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"you know what? just take a break for lunch. it seems we all need a break." soyeon said, heading towards the door. the members sighed.

they don't understand how it was such hard a day today, since they are always on track everyday. today everyone seemed tired or anxious.

after they all settled down in there areas of the practice room, kazuha's phone started buzzing.

she sighed and picked it up, hoping it was only one person. she smiled when she saw your contact, and swiped to answer.

"hi." kazuha groaned. you giggled over the other line.

"hi, zuha." your voice came out all crackly for kazuha and she scrunched her face in question.

"where are you? do you have good reception?" she questioned.

"i'm at a takeout place. i wanna get you guys lunch." all of the members shot there heads towards zuha, shouting things that they wanted.

"guys, calm down, i'm just getting chicken." you said. "oh hold on." there was a minute of silence from you, everyone assuming you where ordering. "i'll be there in a bit." you said before ending the call.


you entered the room and watched everyone's heads turn towards you in the food. you placed them in the middle between everyone and sat down next to kazuha.

"hi." she whispered in your ear, pulling you closer. "hi." you whispered back, and pressed a small kiss against her cheek. she blushed at the sudden pda, but brushed it off, reaching for a plate.

"how is practice so far?" you asked. you immediately heard groans come from each, indicating that it was not good. you giggled and stuffed a piece of food in your mouth, leaning your head on zuha.


after a little while, all the food was gone, and everyone's stomach was happy. soyeon entered the room, and saw the girls laying down.

"are we ready to practice again?" she asked. everyone nodded and started to get ready.

"okay, i better get out of here." you said, and starting picking up your belongings. she pouted and pulled herself up with you.

"i'll walk you out." she said, following you like a puppy.

when you finally reached the door, she quickly turned you around and kissed you, surprising you. she laughed and ran away, you watching her stunned.


420 words

AWWW i love kazuha. enjoyyyy x

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