kazuha - dancer

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"do we have to go mom?" you said as you trudged behind your mother.

"yes this is very important for your sister."

your sister was a in ballet. a ballerina. she was a good one, earning a scholar ship to some ballet school in the netherlands. she was having her first performance and your mom insisted that you go. of course you wanted to support your sister, but the one thing that made it less appealing was that it was a long plane ride, and the uncomfortable seats in the theatre, meaning you can't sleep.

you groaned and followed behind your mom into the theatre.

the theatre was beautiful. velvet and gold in every inch of the room, looking like something you'd find in an old painting.

once you found your seats, you winced at the size of it. it was dinky and small, you definitely couldn't fall asleep in here.

"don't be a baby, we need to support your sister, at least she's actually doing something with her life." she said. you rolled your eyes and whipped out your phone to text her. she sent a picture of her getting ready with her friend.

you pressed your lips together and raised your eyebrows once your eyes met her pretty friend.

"put your phone away, it's starting." your mom said, swatting at your arm. you mumbled some "okay's" before slipping it in your pocket.


it had been about 30 minutes.

you had almost fallen asleep two times, but your mom flicked your forehead before you could.

even though you where bored, you had to admit it was beautiful. some of their dresses where pale blues and pinks while others where dark colors, like black or navy.

"oh! this is your sisters first scene!" your mom whisper yelled.

she gracefully bounced across the stage, with a few girls trailing behind her. one of them caught your eye.

she had black hair, tall and long legs. she danced gracefully beside your sister. she had took the spotlight away from your sister to her in that moment. you watched from the beginning to the end of that sequence, eyes trained on the dancer the whole time.


the performance had ended, leaving everyone to scurry back to their hotels or catch a flight back to their homes.

as soon has you reached the hotel bed, you immediately called your sister.

"y/n! how was it!" she said after picking up. her hair was down and a bit rumpy-looking. probably because of the bun and hair gel.

"it was really good, you where amazing." you half-assed, because really the whole time you where watching the dancer.

"what part did you like?" she asked. you pretended to think, already knowing which part was your favorite.

"i liked your first scene, you guys looked really good." you said, not bothering to even act anymore. you shifted in your position. "hey, who was that girl who was behind you? like during the first part?"



499 words

ZAMNNNN i wrote!!!!!!! anyways i love this one it's so cute. ENJOYY 💪💪💪

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