sakura - sick

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you where sitting peacefully at the girls dorm, waiting for them to come home. today was another busy day for them so you expected them to be home late.

after a little while of waiting, you got a call from kazuha. you where confused, but answered anyway.


"hi, y/n." kazuha said.

"what's up? you never call this late, did something happen?" you asked. there was silence for a moment.

"i think sakura is sick." she said.

"but how? how do you know?" you said, already gathering up your things.

"she fell asleep while we where practicing and she's been coughing and sniffling." you sighed before grabbing your bag. "i'll be over in a second."


you entered the practice room to see three girls sitting in a circle on their phones, while the other two where laying on the floor.

"sakura." you said, sitting down next to her sleeping figure. she grumbled and wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling herself on your lap.

"how are you feeling?" you asked, softly tracing circles on her back.

"so fucking sick it's making me annoyed." she said. you sighed and pulled her up so she was sitting.

"let's go home okay? i don't want the other girls to get sick." you said, holding her hand. she sighed and started packing her things.

"bye, guys." she said as you two walked out the door.

it was a short walk and it was a little breezy, so nothing to worry about. you two held hands, while you could hear her sniffling or coughing.

sakura stopped and sat down on a nearby bench, catching her breath.

"are you okay?" you asked. she nodded and patted the space next to her and you sat down.

"i love you, thank you for picking me up." she said. you nodded and placed your head on her shoulder.

after a few moments of silence, you lifted your head up and placed a small kiss to her lips, causing her to gasp.

"you'll get sick!"


336 words

sorry i didn't post like at all yesterday but. EMJOYYY💪💪💪💪💪

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