chaewon - injured

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"you've got this, i promise." you said, rubbing chaewon's arms.

she was currently backstage for tour, and saying she was nervous was an understatement. she always wanted to perform her best, which she did, she just gets herself nervous for nothing.

"everyone! get in positions!" the stage manager yelled. she gave me a nervous look before pressing a small kiss on my nose. "please be careful, chae." you whisper-yelled. she nodded before running towards the stage.

"here, you can sit in their dressing room, there's a tv in there displaying it." their manager said, leading you to the room.


the performance was great, it was obvious that chaewon was nervous on stage, because you understand her emotions and habits well, but she performed with amazing energy.

you watched with a wide smile and kept your eyes glued on chaewon the whole time. until you noticed her slip. she got back up and brushed it off, performing with a smile and a slight limp in her right foot. it got worse as she kept going and it showed. you got more and more nervous, and quickly left the room and went towards the stage.

"somebody needs to pull her out, it looks bad." you yelled to the stage manager.

"i know, she has a limp." she said, watching her carefully. after the performance was done, chaewon immediately started limping towards backstage.

"chaewon, what happened?" you said as she collapsed in your arms.

"i don't know, i just slipped, i tried to brush it off but i couldn't it hurts so bad." she said, gripping her leg. staff quickly took her out of your arms and led her to a room.


after a half an hour, she walked out with a boot on.

"what happened?" you gasped.

"apparently i strained my ankle, i just put too much pressure." she said waddling towards you.

"are you gonna get back on stage?" you asked, pressing a kiss to her cheek. she nodded.

"just be careful, okay? don't break your arm." you teased. she rolled her eyes before waddling towards the stage.

"break a leg!"


351 words

i honestly don't have anything to say but i get my braces off this spring soooo. ENJOYY 💪💪

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