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what happens when you finally give up on life?

do you continue your life adventures? do you accept people's apologies you thought you never would? do you say goodbye to people you love?

saying goodbye is hard, but for some reason, when felix felt himself getting dizzy when he felt his body shut down from fatigue and malnutrition, he had the smallest smile on his face.

felix knew that this wasn't the end, that he won't die from this. he knew that after this he would have to continue to lie and push people away and he'd have to learn how to not show his true emotions.

but when he dropped to the ground, for the slightest moment before he was knocked fully unconscious, he had peace, it was quiet.

it's like he stepped out of a noisy room with crazy people. his mind went blank and he liked that.

this was better than starving, better than forcing yourself to work until your bones fell off.

this was really quiet.

unfortunately, he will wake up from this dazed state, and he will start to slowly get dragged into that room back with the crazies.

he will start to hear the voices once again.

his eyes opened slowly, having to blink back the bright light that he had woken up to. he could see chan. hovering above him.

"felix are you awake?" he asked calmly with a sad smile on his face.

when chan spoke, felix finally took in his surroundings. the smell, the white walls, the iv in his arm. wait was he in the...

felix's eyes went wide as he quickly jerked his body up and looked around. why was he in the hospital? he didn't try to kill himself. all he needed was a bit of rest. why would they take him here?

"woah, felix calm down, it's just me the others are on their way,"

chan said as felix looked worried.

his breathing picked up, "chan why the fuck am i in a hospital?"

chan sighed, this wasn't the first time he's been in the hospital with the other, "i don't know felix, why don't you tell me?"

felix looked at him, "i don't fucking know why im here that's why i fucking asked!" felix didn't know why but so much anger was built up inside him. he felt like he needed to release it some way but he didn't know how.

he will find a way how very soon.

chan looked at felix for a couple of seconds, silently wondering how he should deal with this situation.

he could either, a: be super calm with felix and try to understand or b: he could be realistic with him and finally ask him what's been going on.

usually, chan would pick the first option, seeing as that's his usual personality but he thought about it and he was honestly not upset with the fact that felix is unwell and needed help, it was the fact that when chan offered help, he lied and said he didn't need it.

and chan hates liars.

"felix, i will not allow you to talk to me like this, i understand you're upset but you need to calm down," he said in a calm but serious tone.

felix didn't say anything, he just looked down and played with his fingers.

"felix," he tried to get the younger man's attention," why didn't you tell me what was going on? why didn't you tell me that it was happening again?"

felix kept his head down, "because nothing is happening hyung, im okay," he whispered.

chan reached out and grabbed felix's cold hands, "but you're not felix, and we want to help you but we can't if you don't tell us what's going on,"

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