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this will have two more chapters or twenty with no in-between.


REAL QUICK JUST A REMINDER OF THE STORY SETTING They are still in 2022 November on a break after their MAXIDENT album came out [they will catch up in time irl soon don't worry]


as the car approaches felix's house, his stomach starts to churn.

everyone knows the happy things about his family. they have a perfect life, a stay-at-home mother and a hard-working dad, two smart sisters, one that is pursuing nursing and the other still in high school, and a son who is one of the most famous K-pop idols in the 4th generation.

last time he visited his parents which was two years ago his mother said she had something to tell him.

you wouldn't believe felix's face when his mother told him his father was being disloyal and having an affair with another woman. felix couldn't and didn't want to believe it. his father was his everything and loved his family, why would he do such a thing?

his mother went in-depth on how she had no idea why and that nothing had changed between them in the past twenty years of marriage. for his mother, felix cut all ties with his father and hasn't spoken or seen him since.

but... what if that's not the whole story?

they all get out of the car holding book bags since they planned to stay the night at felix's moms' house. luckily, his father moved out and let his wife keep the family home, so there will still be tons of memories.

the other members, except chan, didn't know about his father. they just knew he wasn't in the picture anymore. nobody likes to overstep boundaries but one-time jisung asked him what really happened late at night and felix ended up having a whole panic attack, which threw han into a panic attack which led to a very long and sobful night at the dorms,

felix was holding hyunjin's hand, his now boyf- okay I'll stop now, while everyone was behind them, it was around six o'clock now after going to the diner and going back to the air bnb to get clothes to go to the house.

felix knocked on the door and waited until a beautiful Korean lady opened the door and bowed slightly to great everyone,

"hello everyone!," she said opening the door all the way and giving felix the biggest hug ever, "oh I'm so happy to see you yongbok! I've missed you! and hello bang chan nice to see you again"

felix let go of hyunjin's hand to hug his mother back and everyone waved and said their hellos coming inside.

felix's mom saw her son's hand intertwined with another boy and shrugged it off just as felix is clingy and loveable with all his friends like he usually is.

they all walked inside seeing a big hallway with a chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

"felix, you forgot to tell me you're a billionaire!" jisung said as he looked around a little taking his shoes off.

"you don't remember the gold watch and the giant box of hot cheetos? he's been silently telling us the whole time!" changbin said, taking his shoes off as well.

felix rolled his eyes, "this is all my fathers anyway, he's the real hard worker here," felix said while he looked into his mother's eyes which held an uncertain gaze he couldn't decipher but she walked closer to felix with a smile,

"why don't you give the boys a tour of the house? you can show them your room while I finish up the food, your sisters will be home soon they went to the store to grab a few things for dessert," his mother said.

felix nodded and brought everyone upstairs to his room and they all looked around the room. felix showed them the old pictures he had with his father while he was a child. he showed them all the medals he won from taekwondo, even some of the old music journals he had.

he was nice to reminisce, because at the end of the day. felix knew this would be the last time he would see his mother and this house.

he looked at his old pictures and school yearbooks, where did that happy child go, he looks at that picture of him with yellow and orange hair with it in cute little ponytails, holding a water gun.

those were memories for him, he remembers he used to wrestle with his stuffed animals, (which he doesn't tell the boys all his stuffies are under his bed). how his mom used to let him make random food in the kitchen that consisted of sandwiches made with pickles and peanut butter, and waffles with mustard. gross right? but who cares, he was happy.

he glances at a photo of him and his dad, the last one they took together that was framed when he left Australia for the first time to pursue his music career.

felix eyes start to water, he doesn't want to break down here. but he can't lie and say he doesn't miss his father, he never even got to say goodbye to him. he trusts his mother's word but he can't deny he was a daddy boy and that he and his father had a real bond, that ran deeper than blood.

he misses him, he misses him so much, he doesn't even notice that he starts crying, and we all know felix once the tears start they will never stop.

felix doesn't know it but while he's crying softly, gripping the picture frame, his friends are around him, all now looking at him.

they have been seeing felix cry a lot recently, and honestly, they all really want to help him. but chan never wants the younger ones in the mental health conversations and felix always puts a smile on for his hyungs. everyone wants to help and talk to him but they don't know how to approach him and they don't want to say the wrong thing and have him take it the wrong way.

chan sees what's happening and ushers everyone but hyunjin out of the room quietly, he gives a look to hyunjin who nods back at the leader while he closes the door.

"sweetheart...yongbok?" hyunjin approaches his boyfriend from the back, being cautious to not be too loud.

he eventually reaches felix's back and gives the boy a hug, wrapping his arms around felix's waist and resting his chin on felix's shoulder, "you look pretty in that picture love, may I ask whos in it with you?"

"t-thats m-my father," felix pointed to the man in the picture.

"that makes sense love, you do take after him. we never really talk about your family, do we? you wanna' sit and talk a little?" hyunjin offers him, knowing sometimes it's best to let the feelings out and try to navigate them.

"hyung, i-i miss him so much, I just miss him so much jinnie," felix cried in a soft delicate voice that broke hyunjin's heart. hyunjin helped felix take the photo frame away from felixs shaky hands so he didn't accidentally drop it and shatter it.

he turned felix around and let him cry into his chest, soothing him with soft stroking of his back, "baby it's okay, remember he's still here with us and we can go see him anytime. i don't know everything but I know we can figure this out okay? together."

he let go of felix to see his face, he held felix's head with his hands, ruffling up his hair and wiping away his tears.

felix nodded, "thank you jinnie, I love you so much,"

"I love you too darling, come on let's go down and eat with the boys okay?"

"okay lets go,"

something tells me this dinner is going to be...very interesting.


I was going to drop it all on you this chapter but I like to keep the suspense growing... any ideas you think is going to happen?

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