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"felix I literally can't believe you right now!"

"j-jinnie please don't yell, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" felix stuttered his words as he sat on the bathroom floor.

"you're not sorry! you never listen to me! stop cutting yourself it's that simple! god, I'm so tired of taking care of you!" hyunjin raised his voice at the younger, belittling him.

all felix could do was cry, he was caught cutting again and this time hyunjin was mad. felix knows hyunjin has a right to be mad, felix just isn't listening, "hyung I'm so so sorry! please forgive me!" he sobbed out.

"no! this is it felix, I'm never helping you again! you're on your own!" he slammed the bathroom door shut.

felix's head felt like it was spinning. he couldn't help but sob, hyunjin was tired of him. he could even hear the whispers of the others behind the door talking about him,

"he's a lost cause"

"I don't know why he's so stupid"

"he's such a fake, felix has no reason to be depressed for"

"he should just kill himself already"



"felix wake up!"

the blonde jumped out of his sleep with a gasp, breath staggering. he tried to stand up but he was held back down by something. he wiped his eyes and looked around frantically as he tried to remember where he was.

"felix calm down," he felt someone take hold of his arm.

he could feel tears running down his face as everything looked blurry. he looked down at his hands and then to the side where he felt something holding him, "p-please please let go of me,"

"lix, sweetheart it's just me, you had a nightmare. it's okay I'm right here, you're safe," hyunjin said as he used his other hand to cup felix's cheek, "shh, I promise it's okay,"

felix felt the warmth of hyunjin's hand and his eyes tried to focus, "jinnie? where am I? why can't I move?"

"lixie were on the plane, going to your home remember? you can't move because you have your seatbelt on. try to calm down for me, breathe okay? in and out..." hyunjin tried to get felix to copy his breath movements.

felix calmed down a little, being able to realize where he was and who he was sitting next to, "oh hyung...I'm so sorry," he started sobbing again.

"baby, why are you sorry? you haven't done anything," hyunjin said softly, brushing lix's hair out of his face with his fingers.

"I'm sorry that I let you down again and made you waste your time taking care of me,"

hyunjin didn't know what felix was talking about at first but realized he was most likely talking about his nightmare. the older looked around to see most people had their headphones on and were passed out asleep since it was an eight-hour plane ride.

hyunjin unbuckled the crying boy's seatbelt and put the armrest up between them so he could comfortably put felix on his lap so he can hold him in his arms. nobody was sitting next to them. felix cried into the crook of his hyung's neck while hyunjin lightly stroked his back and rocked him slowly.

"my love, I don't know what happened in your nightmare but I would never leave you or be disappointed in you. I take care of you because I love you and I would help anyone struggling, but especially you, my sweetheart," hyunjin whispered in felix's ear.

"but you don't love this me, you love the old me and I'm not him anymore, I'm just a lost cause now," felix held his head with his hands and started to hit his own head, "I'm so stupid,"

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