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felix jumps into action, running up to the door and unlocking it,  trying to poke just his head through the door, he sees all his members looking at him with worried faces. he doesn't see chan there.

"felix what are you--" changbin looks at felix's face and analyzes it. he sees tiny cuts across his cheek that are almost unnoticeable, but he sees them.

minho looks too, "felix what are you doing in there, can I come in?" he asked concernedly.

felix looks at everyone else, including jisung a jeongin, but he doesn't see hyunjin, which he's grateful for because he doesn't want the others to worry about him anymore.

minho tries to walk in but felix doesn't allow him.

"hyung you don't have to come in, I'm not dressed right now," felix lies.

minho scoffs, "felix I've seen your body many times before, we heard a lot of things breaking and we just want to check in the room okay?"

again minho tried to go in but felix just wouldn't let them.

"can I come in lix?" jisung said quietly.

felix looked over at jisung who had tears in his eyes. jisung's voice was so quiet unlike usual. he was concerned and worried for his best friend and he had no idea what to do to help.

a second later hyunjin comes out of the bathroom after hearing all the chaos outside the door. he has his clothes on but his hair is still wet. everyone moves out of the way when they saw hyunjin coming, knowing he's the one that can get to felix when he's in this state.

as soon as felix saw hyunjin he slammed his door shut again and locked it.

"lixie, please let me in, nobody is mad at you, we just want to make sure you are okay," hyunjin said in a light tone so it didn't seem like he was pressuring felix.

felix was crying. he didn't know what to do.

he just unlocked his door and stepped out of it barely opening the door so nobody can see inside.

"I'm okay, nothing to worry about," felix wiped his tears and hid his hands behind his back, but not a single person was convinced.

jeongin looked at felix, meeting his teary eyes, "what happened hyung? what was all that noise?"

"it was nothing, I'm okay guys, why don't we all go eat breakfast? I'm hungry-" felix tried to distract them.

"felix you don't have to lie to us," seungmin said, "we all already know about your illness, don't hide things,"

felix's eyes widened, "my– my il-ness?"

"seungmin what the fuck?"jisung, turned around with an attitude.

"what?" seugmin said putting his hands up in defense.

"you can't say things like that, they're offensive," he yelled.

"but they are true right...?" felix looks indescribably sad," I'm ill, there is something wron-g with me, i need to be fixed?"

everyone looked at felix, his frown is so big, and he was trying not to absolutely cry.

"felix no," hyunjin looked at the other, "you're not ill, there is nothing wrong with you, you're perfect," he tried to give felix a hug, but felix pushed him away.

"but I'm not, this is not perfection! I'm disgusting, I'm not good enough" his lips quivered, felix didn't know what to do and he didn't want to cry in front of the members anymore. he doesn't want them to see him as weak.

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