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it's been a while, let's do a little recap, shall we?

the first time hyunjin knew he wanted to spend forever with felix was when they matched up their hands to see who was bigger. the fact that hyunjin's fingertips basically engulfed felix's hand was so cute to him, he wanted to hold that hand forever.

felix isn't sure when he first started having feelings for hyunjin, but he knew that it was from the close start of their overall friendship. maybe it was the exact moment as hyunjin, or maybe it was way before that. but when he looks into hyunjin's eyes and feels his skin on his own, it feels like... home?

is that okay to say? is it okay to say that hyunjin is felix's home? when their lips press together he feels like he's on cloud nine, and when he hugs him he feels warm, safe, and protected.

i feel like we don't understand the magnitude of their love, remember what I said, their love is like a eclipse. felix is the sun and the moon is hyunjin, on certain days regardless of how long they were apart, they share the same place.

this sounds so perfect, this sounds like it can be forever but... the sun is a star and at the end of the day... all stars will fizzle out.

and although hyunjin is felix's home, his safe place, the heat in his body is beginning to become overbearing, maybe too much warmth.

all the moon wants to do is be there for the sun, to light up the sky when the sun needs rest. to be there even when you can't see it.

but the sun is tired, the sun is not only a star but a person. a person with feelings, a person with doubt. don't forget, the voices.

the sun can only be so strong. the sun has sacrificed its stomach, its hunger, its fingernails, its hair, its body, and its skin.

It's unfortunate that the sun is at its wit's end at the moment.

but the moon is still trying, trying to help the sun breathe, trying to feed the sun, love the sun, and patch up the sun's wounds.

the moon can only do so much,

let us see if it can save the suns life.


it's morning time, felix can say he had a good rest in hyunjin's arms, hearing his heartbeat.

felix opens his eyes and turns around to meet hyunjin, who is still asleep. felix takes a second to admire his now boyfriend. his soft lips, smooth skin, and beautiful blonde hair that he freshly died before coming to Australia. the younger places a soft kiss on the lips of the other.

even though hyunjin's lips are slightly chapped, they still feel amazing. felix is surprised when he feels the other kiss back softly, but still continues the kiss. hyunjin opens his eyes when they separate and runs his hands softly through felixs thin hair, careful not to pull any out.

before he could say anything, felix pulls him into another kiss, soft like before but better now that hyunjin is kissing back. felix gets bold and tries to climb on top of the other while they are now making out, but the older quickly rolls him over and is now on top of felix, placing butterfly kisses down his neck.

felix starts to giggle and softly pushes the other away, "no fair hyung, why can I never be on top?" he whines.

hyunjin giggles and places one more kiss on the other lips before rolling off of him and standing up to stretch, "because you're my baby and babies are always on the bottom," he laughs, "it's like your my little prince... or princess? you like that one more?" he teases.

felix blushes hard and throws a pillow at the other, "hyung! don't say things like that," he hides his face in a different pillow. hyunjin laughs again and walks to his suitcase to grab something to put on to go downstairs.

"come on let's go see what the boys are doing for breakfast," he throws a hoodie and pj pants to the other who groans and complains about having to get up.

finally, the two walk downstairs to see the members arguing.

hyunjin looks at everyone, "what the hell is happening?"

everyone looks at him and jisung talks, "it's 12 pm and we have nothing to cook with so we want to go out to eat," he explained.

"okay so then what's the problem?" felix asks.

"well," jisung continues, "some of us want breakfast food and the other half wants lunch food because of the time and it's three to three right now and we need a tie-breaker,"

immediately everyone looks at felix whose eyes widen and he puts his hands up, "no no no, I will not be the tie breaker,"

"please, it's me, binnie, and chan who want lunch food and the others want breakfast food," jisung says.

"come on felix, you're telling me you don't want pancakes right now?" jeongin said walking up to felix.

"no no no," changbin walked up to felix holding his hand, "who wants pancakes? we always get pancakes! i want a fucking burger!"

felix looks at hyunjin who shrugs his shoulders not knowing what to pick.

"why don't we go to a diner that serves lunch and breakfast food?" felix says.

everyone lets out a sigh, "you're so smart felix!" jeongin says.

"okay let's get ready guys, I'm calling the car!" chan shouts.

everyone runs to their rooms and gets ready to start their day.

after breakfast, they are supposed to go to felix's mom's house.

i have a feeling that this won't be a peaceful day.



I'm back? hello sorry for the long break, I'm not even going to make excuses I'm been in a little box of writer's block but I've finally snapped out of it.

next chapter will definitely be something, so put your seatbelts on because we're going for a wild ride.

(wc; 989)

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