Jun-Ayumi Interrogation

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1) Do you believe what you did was right?

"No. I should've never followed through with it."

2) Were you close with who you killed?


3) If you could eat food for the last time, what would you eat?

"You're asking that as if I were on death row, but I'd eat sashimi probably."

4) Any prisoners you're close too?

"I think I'm close with Masaru. We talk to each other in sign language a lot."

5) How did you spend birthdays?

"When I was a kid I'd throw a party like any other kid. Now I just go out on walks for my birthdays."

6) Did you enjoy school?

"Yes, I was really good at Math."

7) Do you believe in god?


8) How do you spend your alone time?

"Watching the news usually."

9) What do you do if you're in a bad mood?

"Ignore it."

10) What is your dream job?

"The one I have right now."

11) Do you think your personality matches with your dream job?


12) Do you collect things?

"No, I'd be too sentimental if I did."

13) Do you have any hobbies?

"Talking to people I guess?"

14) What's the strangest thing you've done in public?

"Not that sure. I guess one time when I was younger I did pull someone's pants down accidentally."

15) Who is your closest family member?

"My older brother has to be my closest family member."

16) What's your biggest pet peeve?

"Does Hidaka Reiki count."

17) What social media are you on?

"Facebook I think it's called?"

18) What's the biggest problem in our society?

"Not many of them believe in god."

19) Any prisoners you dislike?

"Yes, Hidaka-san. I was the police officer who arrested her when she killed her parents."

20) Do you want to improve the world you live in?

"No, one person can't do anything anyways."



1) Do you believe what you did was right?

"yes, I wasn't wrong."

2) Were you close with who you killed?


3) If you could eat food for the last time, what would you eat?

"a birthday cake."

4) Any prisoners you're close too?

"404-chan because she reads me books!~"

5) How did you spend birthdays?

"I threw parties with my family and friends."

6) Did you enjoy school?

"No, because everyone there were idiots."

7) Do you believe in god?

"Yes, and I hate god. What made it believe bad people should exist?"

8) How do you spend your alone time?

"Scrolling on the internet."

9) What do you do if you're in a bad mood?

"Rant to an online friend."

10) What is your dream job?

"I don't know, I didn't think about it."

11) Do you think your personality matches with your dream job?


12) Do you collect things?

"Yes, I have a list of people I dislike on my laptop. I guess you could call that collecting?"

13) Do you have any hobbies?

"I like to draw."

14) What's the strangest thing you've done in public?

"Hmm, don't know..."

15) Who is your closest family member?

"My daddy, he's kind and better than everyone else."

16.) What's your biggest pet peeve?


17) What social media are you on?

"Tumblr and Instagram!"

18) What's the biggest problem in our society?


19) Any prisoners you dislike?

"Masaru-sensei is weird. He looks like a creep."

20) Do you want to improve the world you live in?


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