I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!

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A younger, almost childish version of Reiki is holding a bunny plushie with a noose around her neck

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!


A young version of Reiki drags the bunny plushie around with her

Younger Reiki holds out all her fingers while crouching in a sandbox, smiling excitedly.

I can't count the lives I ruined when I was young.

Reiki lowered her hands and buried them under the sand.

I'd smile as I bury another life before heading home

Younger Reiki smiled and grabbed the plushie, excitedly running home. From behind, present Reiki stares at the younger version of herself running home.

Looking back now, I should've been the first one to die.

As metal bats cover the screen, one by one they reveal younger Reiki entering her home. Her parents are standing above a chore younger Reiki did not finish with disappointed and sour faces.

So cheerful despite the gloomy atmosphere

Younger Reiki apologized profusely

I've lost my will to live

Life is just needlessly long

An older version of Reiki watches as her parents throw away distinct designed car keys that don't belong to them

Nothing but meaningless wrinkles and creases

Reiki sees across the street to see a woman (that is less fortunate) looking around her car, and her car was the same distinct design as the car keys

My heart pointlessly laments this hopeless take on life

Reiki yells at them

They yell at her back

They begin blaming her for everything

Spitting out ideals that just hurt my ears!

Reiki grit her teeth

Silhouettes of them arguing show

What value is there to a life that wants to end?

A noose fades around Reiki's neck

Am I just being selfish?

I don't even know what to think!

Her parents are chatting behind Reiki while she is staring at the camera blankly, behind the words "monster" and "abuser" appear, even labeling Reiki like a sign

In the end, after a few years I'll just be a nuisance

So, stab me-

Reiki is shown holding a knife above the younger version of her on the floor

-kill me-

Reiki's sight becomes blurry and so does the screen, all you can see is Es covered in blood

-and take me away.

Reiki is on a computer seemingly to buy a bus ticket.

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!


Reiki wakes up in a cold sweat seeing herself in the Milgram uniform

A mirror reflecting Reiki shows Reiki sitting with her parents

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