Interrogation 2.0

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1.) How do you feel about your verdict?


2.) Have you ever had a lover?


3.) What do you think of Hiroshi now?

"Fucking crazy."

4.) What verdict do you think you'll get this time?

"Guilty again."

5.) Any hobbies?

"I like to sleep."

6.) Any music you like? 


7.) Why do you keep a pokerface no matter the situation?

"Well, showing emotions is the same as being vulnerable. I got used to being like this while living with my parents."

8.) If you could name your brain, what would you name it?

"Beaten by Hiroshi."

9.) Could you name all of your last prisoners?

"001: Matsuda Hiroshi, 002: Me, 003, Morino... I think, 004: Kusaki, 005: Ichi-something, 006: Hiyori Kaiya, 007: Tenma Jun, 008: Ayumi, 009: Atsushi, 010: Izumi 404."

10.) Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police before?


11.) Do you know what love means?

"An intense feeling of deep affection."

12.) Did you felt loved by your parents?


13.) Do you hate your parents?

"I literally murdered them."

14.) Why do you believe in angels and demons?

"I thought I met them, I'm not so sure now."

15.) Is there anyone you wish you could apologize too?

"Maybe Es and my little sister."

16.) Who do you wish you could reconnect with?

"My little sister."

17.) What do you think of gay people?


18.) When was the last time you cried?

"When I was little."

19.) Do you yearn for affection?

"I don't know. Maybe..."

20.) Have you lied during your interrogation?

"No, I like my verdict." 

21.) What do you want out of life?


22.) Do you think you're crazy?


23.) Why do you think people dislike you?

"Because I'm dull and quiet. People can't see themselves through my face."

24.) What do you think of Milgram?

"I think you are all filled with shit. Same goes for the ones voting, and I don't mean the prison guards."

25.) What is something you'd consider "unforgivable"


26.) What do you think demons look like?

"Like my parents."

27.) If you could grant one wish of yours, what would you wish for?

"Maybe for my headache to stop."

28.) If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?

"Give it to someone less fortunate than me. I don't need so much money."

29.) If you were an animal, what would you be?

"A sloth."

30.) Do you think anyone could love you?

"...No, I'm too boring."

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