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edited: 01/06/24
--third person--

3 months before Lucy's arrival

Erin sat on a stool, her legs resting on the counter in front of her, she was pretending to read a magazine, trying to look busy. She lifted her head to look at the clock, noticing her shift was going to end soon. The thought brought a smile to her face, wondering how she is going to spend the night. That was until her sister came in just to spoil her plans.

Her sister came from the door that connected her parent's agency to the supply shop. "Why aren't you ready?" She asked Erin, frowning with her arms crossed, "ready for what?" She inquired back, genuinely confused, scrunching her eyebrows slightly.

"Mother wants us to be working the night, so hurry up and get ready," her sister said before exiting the shop, "what?! But that's not fair, I've been working all day, and I don't want to work tonight as well!" Erin argued back, but her sister didn't respond, purposely ignoring Erin.

She groaned and mumbled to herself, "oh I can't believe that woman, making me work all day and now all night?!" She huffed in anger and continued mumbling curses at her mother.

She got ready and stepped outside, after locking up the shop. She approached her sister, who was waiting by the pavement, Penelope, her horrid sister, was wearing her usual, all-black attire, with her rapier attached to her belt and a small backpack sitting on the ground. "Finally," she said, not even acknowledging her sister and staring off in the distance, "I don't get why we have to work tonight, why can't the agency do the job, I mean that's literally why it's here" Erin complained securing her rapier to her belt. "The agency is working another job, plus, you know that the agents that work here won't be helpful in these kind of scenarios," Penelope said, still not looking at Erin "by scenarios, you mean stealing other people's jobs." Erin mumbled. Her sister let out a loud sigh and finally looked at her, "we are not stealing their jobs! We are simply taking the source of the ghost from their job!" She assured while glaring at Erin, "it's still stealing, you know becoming relic-men would be easier than this" she mumbled that last part "being relic-men would also mean stealing. Now shut it and get in the cab" Penelope fired back.

Erin did as she said and got in the cab that seemed to have just arrived, after Penelope got in and told the cab driver the destination, she sat back down in silence.

"What's the job anyway?" Erin asked without missing a beat, another sigh could be heard from Penelope, "Mother gave me, some paperwork about a new agency that just started 'Lockwood and co' or something like that, they have a job tonight in a small, two-story house, it seems to be haunted by a type two," "wow a new and upcoming agency, go for a type two, ballsy" Penelope glared at Erin for interrupting her, "hopefully that means it has an interesting source." Erin groaned at the statement. "God I hope so, otherwise, mum and dad will go ballistic" Penelope refrained from responding and the only other time she talked was to announce that they arrived.

They stepped out of the car, and Erin's gaze fell onto the house, it looked fine on the outside, just a small ordinary house, but even the most haunted houses looked ordinary. "So how are we going to do this?" Erin asked, "Like we usually do, wait for them to find the source, snatch it, and then leave undetected." Penelope said, rolling her eyes, in a very annoyed tone.

Wow, she really doesn't want to talk to me, uh.

Erin rolled her eyes at the thought, it was weird to think that her sister disliked her so much, but she really can't do much about it. She observed her sister as she opened her bag, pulled out a slim black snood and handed it to her sister, Erin took it and raised her eyebrows in curiosity, "it's just a precaution, in case you get caught again, we can't want them to recognise you" Erin chuckles at her sister's statement, "wow, you have no faith in me, you're unbelievable" she continued to laugh under her breath, "you're infuriating" she said glaring at Erin.

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