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Edited : 01/06/24
Third and a little bit of first person

3 months before Lucy's arrival

Erin was exasperated, she couldn't do this anymore, she was sick of it.

Running away from all this was a thought she has kept in the back of her mind for a long time, she was so close to doing it once, she packed her bags and everything, but they were still hidden under her bed. In the end she couldn't do it, she didn't know where she would go, how she would survive. The life she had was all she had ever known.

She went to lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, she couldn't get this evening's event out of her head, she couldn't get them out of her head, those agents from Lockwood & co, there was just something about them, she did as much research as she could on them, but it was mostly futile, she got barely anything on them, just their names and the fact that the agency was 2 weeks old.

She replayed over and over what happened, the spying, the sneaking in, and the getting caught. The first two were a normal process for a job, but getting caught wasn't part of the plan.

It wasn't the first time it happened to her, but the last time it did, things didn't end well, saying she was severely scared of failing any other job was an understatement. Coming home she was terrified of what would happen, but nothing did, she sat at the table with her parents and sister, in silence like always, and then went back to her room.

Confusion was the only thing Erin was feeling right now, usually, if she messed up, even just a little bit, her sister would immediately tell her parents. Sure, her sister wasn't there to witness what happened, but coming out running out of the house, the source in hand and, two agents chasing behind her, would obviously suggest that she was caught, she luckily managed to pull her snood back up, so her sister wouldn't think she got caught with her face clearly visible, that would be so much worse.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a large yawn, fatigue taking over her mind, her body turning to the side to find a more comfortable position, and she dozed off hoping for a peaceful night.

But no night could be peaceful for her.

There I was, standing in a long dark hallway, with no windows, and no doors. Just a long dark hallway made of stone with nothing in it.

My hand grazed the wall, making me feel a sentiment of dread, and horror, faint whispering could be heard from everywhere around me.

I went to venture down the corridor further into the darkness. This hallway never seems to end. I suddenly stop. Why did I stop? I look forward, to where I was going, nothing seemed to be stopping me, so why did I stop?

A hand was placed on my shoulder, I gasped, and turn around in shock. I could feel my eye widen, there he was, that boy from the agency, Lockwood.

Erin woke up with a gasp, sweat dripping from her forehead, she was breathing heavily, catching her breath.

This wasn't one of the usual dreams, no visitor was trying to kill her, this time there was only that boy, Lockwood. The feeling of shock didn't last long, it was instead replaced by once again, confusion.

What was he doing in her dreams? That was the only thought Erin had on her mind. Her thoughts stopped by the haziness of her head, sleep coming back.

When she woke up again, it was at a more reasonable time and with no dream beforehand. She got up and got herself ready for the day, which consisted of working at the shop until curfew.

She worked in a small shop that sells equipment like, rapiers, flares and all of that, the shop was connected to the agency "Sallow & Co". The agency was created by her parents to profit off The Problem, they would train agents to go on jobs and bring back the source to later on sell on the black market, Erin and her sister would occasionally go in at other people's jobs to steal the source, or accompany agents on jobs.

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