
802 19 3

Edited : 04/08/24
(Im back lol)
First-person (Erin)

"Sense anything?" Lockwood asked in a whisper once we stepped on the stairs.

"If this is a screaming staircase, it's being very quiet," Lucy remarked.

"Maybe it's taken the night off," George whispered to no one in particular.

"Like we should have done."

"I don't think following the advice of haunted stairs is the best idea." I chuckled at my own joke.

We made it to the top of the stairs, Lockwood stopped and looked at the bottom in contemplation, I notice that he seemed more worried than before. The moment didn't last long and he soon trotted towards the rest of us.

We followed a long hallway, even with the light of our torches we couldn't see the end of it.

We stopped in front of two big wooden doors. Lockwood shined his torch on it, looking at every detail.

"Everyone ready." He said.

He turned the handle and the door creaked open. We went in one by one.

The room was empty, the only prominent detail was the fireplace and the wallpaper continuing all the way to the ceiling.

"There's bad energy in these walls. A lot of bad energy" George said while patting it carefully.

I concentrated on the room to see if I can sense anything.

I could hear the same type of screaming I heard in the big entrance hall.

"Can you hear that screaming?" I asked. Lucy hummed in agreement.

"Chaos. There are too many voices." She said.

"The room's not very red though, is it." George noticed and I nodded in agreement. The room was very much not red.

"Luce, help me with the chain. George and Erin, secure our retreat." Lockwood ordered us.

George and I headed for the doors and made sure they were held in place. A beep from George's gadgets could be heard, indicating the temperatures falling.

"Six degrees and falling."

"Whatever's here it's getting closer," Lockwood said. "There's no sign of any sources yet thought. Strange." He inspected the room as he spoke. "George, didn't you say you suspect there's hidden rooms?"

"From the plans, it's highly likely."

"We'll look for evidence." He nods towards Lucy. "You guys stay here, watch our backs."

Lucy and Lockwood went to opposite sides of the room to look for cavities, false walls, and anything that could be source related.

"So do we think it's in here? The source of the primary haunting?" George asked.

"Well it definitely feels haunted, hopefully, it's the only haunting in this castle, but highly unlikely," I responded, hand on the hilt of my sword, ready to defend.

"Temperature, five degrees." He sighed.

"Wait, I got something," Lucy exclaimed turning all of our attention on her.

She was patting a wall, feeling the groove of a door behind the wallpaper.

"Shhh! Stop tapping. I need to listen." She complained.

"No one's tapping Lucy..." I told her.

Our confusion was cut short by George's machine going haywire, it beeped rapidly warning us of danger.

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