Chapter 2

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The final bell rang and guess who was right in front of the desks? You guessed it! Taehyung was back. "So, what do you guys do after school?"

You silently packed away your things as Dahyun answered. "We're going to cram school since you know we're seniors right?"

Taehyung nodded. "That's good. How about you two take a break this Friday so we can hang out?"

You know your parents would kill you. "Sorry, I don't think that's possible." You said and at last you two were done packing up. Nervously, you tapped your fingers against the side of your thigh, waiting for his reaction.

Taehyung frowned a bit but soon softened up. "That's okay. Alright, then let's go to cram school!"


After finishing up a practice question, your teacher went to go to the bathroom so you took this opportunity to relax. Your eyes glanced at your friend, working on her worst subjects. Though it was weird to see Taehyung working as well. It was so strange and you're not sure why he's going to these lengths of hanging out. Obviously, he had quickly made friends around school so why is he not with them?

It sounded like a problem that you didn't understand.

"Ready?" Your teacher came back and that cut your break. You nodded and dove back into the problems.

Once it was time to go home, you waited for Dahyun who was finishing up to ask a question. Taehyung had just finished and stayed by your side. It made you a little nervous to be around him. "So, where do you plan on going to university?"

His question made you jump. "Oh, um... I'm not sure because you know money."

Taehyung hummed in agreement. "Then what career are you aiming for?"

"I want to be a doctor." You anxiously fiddled with your fingers. There was no time for you to ask of him or for him to answer as Dahyun came your way. The three of you headed out and onto the train. Dahyun seemed a bit guarded as the annoying group of boys came onto the train and then started talking to you three.

This is making you extra nervous now. You didn't like meeting so many new people at once. You honestly didn't remember most of the names except for Seojoon since he was the friendliest. Oh no. What's your name? You panicked when they asked for yours but thankfully you answered. The group got off the train and this was the strangest thing that is happening right now. Why is Taehyung offering to walk Dahyun home and why is Seojoon offering to walk you home?!

You panicked more, eyes glancing at Dahyun. You're so thankful she's blunt. "Look. We barely know each other and we don't feel comfortable with anyone walking us home, okay?" She didn't even wait for a reply before she took off with you. Dahyun was the best.

Although this last week was different... You could see Dahyun was opening more up to Taehyung. She talked a little more with him. She didn't often give him glares as much and then something popped into your mind. You think you solved the problem. Did Taehyung like Dahyung? And she was starting to like him back...? It confirmed your suspicions when the group of boys headed into the convenience store and Dahyun allowed Taehyung to walk with her.

You weren't expecting this to happen. You mulled it over the next few days and decided to be happy for them. "Did you want to come with us?" Dahyun asked you.

Currently in the bathroom, you stopped washing your hands momentarily. "This Friday? Uh, I still have cram school."

"Ah, that's right. Well, it's okay if you don't want to go." Dahyun stated.

Going to the arcade? You thought back to her question moments before. "You're not going?" You finished up washing your hands and dried them off.

"No. I figured a break was good." She replied. "It's okay if you don't want to go with us. I understand."

You didn't say anything but nod your head. You could see Dahyun changing a little each time you saw her. It was quite odd to not see Dahyun here. You glanced at the empty spot of where she would study. You kept going though and once your time was finished, you packed up everything and got on the train. Putting on your earphones, you scrolled through your phone. You didn't notice the doors open and the one boy who stood in front of you.

"Hi Y/N."

Startled, you glanced up to see Seojoon. "S-Seojoon?" You didn't see the rest of the group with him. "Where's um..."

"At the arcade." He took the empty seat where Dahyun would sit.

It clicked in your mind that Taehyung and Dahyun were there as well. "Oh. And what about you? I mean, why aren't you there?" You hoped that it wasn't an intrusive question.

"Ran out of money. Then I figured you would be here so I thought to keep you company." He smiled brightly.

"Oh." Was your reply. You're not even sure how to respond to that. Awkwardly, you sat there but thankfully Seojoon was outgoing enough to keep a conversation going. He talked about what you wanted to do and even asked you why you wanted to become a doctor.

This got you a little excited. You explained how you used to hurt yourself a lot when you were little and saw how your mom put on the first aid. It sparked some interest when you learned more about the medical field and you decided to help save lives. Then on, you watched documentaries, learned some first aid, studied a little into the medical world. "Oh, I'm sorry. This must be boring right?" You reeled yourself in a bit.

"No, you got very excited. It was fun to watch you talk about it." Seojoon disagreed with you.

Then on, you decided that Seojoon was a good person. You two exchanged numbers and talked every once in a while. You noticed that Dahyun was slightly drifting away from you but you were happy to talk to Seojoon He was there to listen to whatever you wanted to talk about. It made you feel happy to have another friend.

Though something odd started happening.

Taehyung stopped hanging around your desks in the morning. You tried asking what was wrong but Dahyun said she didn't want to talk about it. You left it alone and would let her come talk to you when she was ready. On the other side of the classroom, Taehyung sat at his desk and talked with the other students. You couldn't even keep a conversation with Dahyun. She would reply with one word answers so in the end you gave up. This pattern became the staple for the rest of the week. You just hope that she will tell you something soon.

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