Chapter 10

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Taehyung managed to slip behind a group of people just as you looked around. His instincts had told him to move and he's so glad he did. You must have felt someone staring at you. He likes how you search around for whoever is staring at you. The slightly confused expression... He wants to see that a couple more times.

Slowly, he makes his way over to the store in which Dahyun and you had disappeared into. There was a slight problem as it was a clothing store so he had to keep his head down. He first went to the rack that had a sign on it. At least the sign was a bit taller so he could hide his face a little better.

His eyes flickered everywhere and finally they spotted you. A smile was on your face as clothes were picked out from the rack. He couldn't hear you from the other side of the store so he was guessing whatever the two of you talked about was happy. A smile was painted on your face. Taehyung also likes the smiling expression on your face. You look quite happy and it makes him feel so... warm. Is that the right word he wants to use? He isn't sure but he thinks he'll keep it for now.

Taehyung stays rooted to his spot, watching the entire time and then he assumes you feel it again. He pretends to shift through the rack in front of him as you look around. The expression is back again.

Although he couldn't hear what Dahyun asked you, his ears picked up on another conversation nearby. One that piqued his interest.

"Did you hear about the murder?" Some people in a group whispered amongst themselves.

"Oh! The college student died, right? Who was the killer again?" Another replied.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at the news. If a murder happened, then he would have to protect you. That's the only logical explanation, isn't it?

"It was the professor's assistant! Apparently he liked the student and I guess the student didn't want a relationship or something. Then he just murdered her."

Curious, Taehyung opened his phone up and searched up the case. Numerous articles popped up and he took a quick glance at them. Hm, some of them had conflicting details about the murder. Well, now Taehyung just has to accompany you everywhere. Doesn't he?

Sipping on a drink, you sat with Dahyun at a bench. She bought a couple of stuff while nothing has really caught your eye yet. A much needed break was in order after all that walking around. The nagging feeling of your decision was very much still in the back of your mind.

But you think you may have come to a decision. You'll talk about it later with Dahyun.

"Ready to go look around some more?" She asked.

"We only sat down for ten minutes!" You joked with her as she sent you a playful glare.

"It's been over twenty."

You chuckled but still got up with her following. "I'm just teasing you."

Both of you walked down the path, glancing at the items for sale. So far, nothing has caught the eye yet until you saw Taehyung walking towards you. A grin lit up his face. "Oh hey you two!" He came closer until he stopped. "I didn't think I would see you today."

"Yeah me too." Dahyun replied. You gave her a quick glance. You know that Dahyun didn't feel that awkward after her rejection and Taehyung was taking it well. Hm, perhaps for today she wanted to just be with you.

Taehyung let out a hum. He didn't look phased by Dahyun's tone. Or looked like he didn't care. "Let's hang out! I'm sure we won't get many opportunities in the future."

Your curiosity was piqued. "You're going to the university here?"

He nodded. "Yep, although I'm not sure what I want to do in the future." He laughed. You can remember him telling you that.

So Taehyung joined you two in walking around and shopping. He seemed interested enough, picking out some items that he thought you two might have liked. But to you, it seemed a bit strange to you as you think that he seemed to be holding these items more to you...? Are you going crazy?

"Oh what do you think of this shirt, Y/N? It matches your eyes!"

"Hm, this hat would work well with the outfit you're wearing right now."

"Say, this bracelet would look great on you!"

You're not sure how to feel. Maybe just a little flattered? There's another emotion but you're not sure what it is. "Aha, that's nice Taehyung but I don't have more money to spend that on." You smiled, hoping that sounded polite. It did you but you're not sure.

Finally, he must have taken the hint. He put down the piece of jewelry back in its place. "I understand." He smiled but his eyes didn't light up like how they usually do.

You awkwardly smiled and continued on for the rest of the day. The group went to a restaurant as now it was almost time to eat. Unfortunately, the only table available was a booth and so Dahyun claimed one side while you sat next to her.

You missed the flash of disappointment on Taehyung's face.

He sat on the other side while looking at the menu. Once ordering food, it seemed like Taehyung looked a little bit more happy now. Maybe it was just your imagination earlier. "You know after we graduate, we should go on a trip to the beach!"

"That sounds nice." Dahyun looked enticed now. She mentioned to you before about taking a trip after graduating high school. "I was actually thinking of doing something like that after graduation."

Taehyung's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That's wonderful!" He slipped his phone out. "I got too excited and I thought these places would be great."

Wow. He really had some places picked out. He had organized them on his notes app. A screenshot of the place with notes on how far it is, the price, a smaller photo of a hotel and the activities that are offered. He really had thought ahead to the future.

"You must have been excited huh?" You asked curiously, watching as Dahyun scrolled in disbelief.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him smile. "Yes I was! I wanted to have a fun time and I got carried away."

Dahyun handed him his phone back. "Well, we can probably do the cheapest option and split it between everyone."

"With the whole group?" Taehyung questioned.

Dahyun gave you a look. This time, you asked. "Yeah, why wouldn't we go with the whole group?"

"Some of them are heading out of town and have made some plans already." He answered quite quickly. "It'll probably be just us three."

You'll ask Seojoon later. Surely, he might have made plans before he met you and that's understandable. Though you just thought of something. If Taehyung was their friend before he met the two of you, why wouldn't he be included in those plans? Still he didn't look hurt at all, only excited at the idea of being able to go on a vacation. Maybe you should talk to him about it later?

Then again, you don't feel like you've known them long enough to ask about that type of thing. You decide to keep quiet.

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