Are you nuts?

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-Steve's POV-

I was hanging out by the bleachers with Two-Bit and Dally. Those two were smoking like chimneys and I was just standing there hoping I wouldn't die from lung cancer. Those two smoke so much around me my lungs are probably just as bad as theirs.

"Will you two ever stop smoking? You'll probably die before you turn 50 if you don't." I asked them waving away the smoke. "The oldest person in the entire world smoked until five years before her death." Dally stated taking a drag. "Oh glory! I have to live with you two for the rest of my life?!? That's worse than dying from lung cancer!" I exclaimed.

Dally and Two-Bit started laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle myself. If you don't know what they look like then I'll tell you.

Dally was six foot one with platinum blonde hair, like Draco Malloy from Harry Potter. Icy blue eyes that looked cold when he wasn't laughing or being mischievous. Some said he looked like an elf, some said a lynx, and he had girls swooning over him every time he walked in the damn room.

Two liked to be called Two-Bit instead of Keith for some unknown reason. He had red hair and gray eyes, a Cheshire grin and he got a kick out of drinking. He also really liked blondes. As long as a girl had blonde hair, he would've hooked up with them.

"Anyway, I heard you were tutoring some kid. Wanna talk about them?" Two asked. "He's alright." I said. Honestly he's more than just 'alright'. "What's 'alright' suppose to mean?" Two questioned. How the fuck am I supposed to answer that? "I mean he's got gold blonde hair and pretty brown eyes and his lips look AMAZING and-" I just kept babbling on and on about him. "Woah! Sounds like you like him!" Dally exclaimed. "I do not!" I retorted. "You're grinning like an idiot and your cheeks are turning red." Dally mentioned.

Sometimes I wonder if he was being serious. Maybe in this particular situation he was?

"Oooo! Maybe you can go hook up with him!" Two chortled. "Oh my god ABSOLUTELY NOT! I tutor him for fuck sake, Keith!" I yelled. "Well now I'm curious who he is! Who is it? Spill!" Keith asked. "Oh he's gotta funky name. It was...Sode? Wait maybe it was Soda?" I said.

Dally and Two started to cough. Are the cigarettes finally getting to them?

"You've gotta be pullin my leg!" Dally stated. "Yeah I know like who names their kid Soda-" "You mean Sodapop Curtis? Richest and most popular in Seattle? The one who's parents OWN multiple homes and who are WORLD RENOWNED SURGEONS?!?!? You better not be fuckin with me here, man!" Dally exclaimed. "Wait, rich? I didn't think he was rich!" I said. "Y'know if you pulled your head out of your books for a couple of seconds then you would realize that you are tutoring the prince of our damn school!!!!!" Two exclaimed.

Why are they overreacting? He's just rich and popular!

"He does basketball right?" Two asked. "I'm not sure. He had a letterman jacket. My teacher mentioned he did sports." I mentioned. "Ask him next time!" Dally yelled. "Are you nuts?!?!?" I asked him. "Well you're the one crushing on Mr. Eye candy!" Dally retorted. "Even if I do why's it matter?" I asked him. "I'm gonna be honest with you. If you ever think you can date him then your out of luck. He's popular and your only friends with us, he's rich and your okay, and he has people swooning over him all. The. TIME!" Two stated.

Did I mention Two is a dumbass? Well, he is a big one!

"I don't plan to date him! Even if I did, we've only just met!" I brought up. "Plus, he wouldn't dare to like somebody like me! I'm an asshole with a capital A!" I proceed to list off why he wouldn't date me and vice versa. "I know you only just met but the way you talk about him it sounds like you've been shot by Cupid's bow!" Dally said.

I'm not in love with that boy! I've only just met him! I think he's quite hot but so does everyone else!

Oh lord...I'm not lovesick!

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