The aftermath pt 2

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-Soda's POV-

I woke up from my sleep to find myself naked. What the heck happened last night. I scramble to put on clothes as I look around my room, trying to find evidence of what happened last night.

What the heck were my clothes on the floor for in the first place?

I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. Did I have someone over?

Maybe I did.

I walked down stairs and saw pony and Johnny asleep on the couch.

"Hey! Wake up!" I hollered. "Mmh what's going on Soda?" Johnny asked.

"Did one of you guys know if I brought someone in my room last night?" I asked them.

"Eww you got laid?" Pony asked. "Um yes? And the girl is probably somewhere!" I mentioned.

"I thought I saw a guy walking down the stairs." Pony said.

"I had a guy in my room?" I said.

"Well you went with him to the private room with some liquor then you went up to your room." Johnny added.

"You have gotta be kidding me!" I said.

I don't drink!

"You aren't a complete angel Soda." Pony said.

"I realized." I said.

"We took it upon ourselves to clean up." Pony spoke.

"Well thanks but I think I need clean up. I smell." I said.

I walked back up to my room and looked around my room.


Not a sign of who I was with.

"I guess I'll have to ask Steve about it." Hold on.

Where is Steve?

I guess he went home.

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