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I walked out to the courtyard of our school, hoping to see Steve there.

I searched around, looking for his black hair and sweater vest.

And that's when I saw him, the boy I had been looking for.

He was on one of the benches, reading another book, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Hey Steve!" I called out. He didn't answer.

I ran over to him, hoping he would notice me. He looked up, and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Oh hey Soda..." He said nervously. "Hey what's up? I haven't seen you that much. And we still have that project to work on." I said back.

I sat right next to him, but he scooted away. The tension was already thick.

"...So what's going on?" He looked up at me with a confused expression. "What'd you mean by that?" He questioned.

"You've been avoiding me. Did something happen?" I asked him. He finally stood up and started walking away.

"Oh c'mon man!" I got up and jogged over to him. "There's nothing to talk about, Soda." He muttered. "What do you mean by that? What happened at the party-" "We fucked, alright!" He exclaimed, loud enough for me to hear.

"I shouldn't have done that. We've not known each other long enough to do that and we were drunk and-GAHHH just forget it. I'll work on the project with you later at...maybe my house. Here's my address. Goodbye." He stomped off, leaving me speechless. So it was him?

I guess maybe I didn't realize it. I mean, my ass was sore and I guess I should've figured it was someone who liked me.

Hours later...

I walked in front of his door, bracing myself for this. I knocked on the door, and Steve opened it with a stone cold expression on his face.

"Come in." He said blandly.


"Dally! I don't think I wanna talk about this!" I yelled into the phone. "Oh my god, man! You fell in love with him. Some people fall in love at first sight! Nothing is weird about it!" Dally said.

Ever since that..."encounter" I had with Soda, I can't look at him the same. I shouldn't fall in love with him and now he's the reason my grades are dropping and I blame all this on my poor judgment and lack of control.

I shouldn't kiss him, I shouldn't make out with him, I shouldn't have a dick up his ass, I shouldn't even be hanging out with him.

But unfortunately, we have a project about love to do.

Aren't I just the luckiest guy in the world?!?

"How about you confess to him? Tell him you're feelings? Do something other than be a dickhead!" Dally suggested.

I heard a knock at my door, cuing me to hang up. "I gotta go. Bye ass crack." And I hung up.

I walked down the stairs and opened the door to see Soda, hot as ever standing there.

"Come in." I said really blandly.

He walked inside and I got out art supplies and quickly explained "We're gonna do our own pieces then put them together."

"But wouldn't that not make sense? This is a painting?" He stated.

"Just try and do one side and I'll do the other." I quickly got to painting my side of the canvas; a winter sunset on top of a hill.

After painting in an extremely awkward silence, Soda finally broke the silence. "Y'know, my brother Ponyboy, he really like sunsets." He gleefully. "Cool." I replied.

"You could try to speak, y'know? Also why are you giving me silent treatment?!" He asked. What am I supposed to do act like everything is normal?

"Y'know what! I'm just gonna leave." He he said as he dropped the paintbrushes on the paper and stormed off towards the door.

What the fuck just happened?

"Wait Soda!" I grabbed my shoes and ran after him. It was raining that night so I definitely got soaked once I stepped outside.

"Steve! I can't be around you anymore!" Soda turned around and yelled. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Because I clearly love you and you're acting like this is a whole issue! What we did I am completely fine with! What about you?"

He asked me somberly. I felt my heart ache. I really do love. And we only just met.

So without thinking, I walked up to, grabbed his chin, and kissed his rough lips. I felt like that kiss would last eternity. And the part was, he kissed me back.

I pulled away and put my forehead against his. "I love you." Was all I uttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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