Coffee shop

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-Steve's POV-

"Aagh! Why did I invite him for coffee?!?!? I'm a dumbass!" I cried while flopping down on my bed. "Steve! It's not a big deal! It's just coffee!" Two told me. "Yeah! It isn't a big deal! It's coffee!" Dally added.

It wasn't just coffee! It sound like I was asking him on a date!

"What if he took it in a other way?!?!?" I asked the two. "Oh yeah because he totally thought coffee was a code name for sex Steve!" Dally sarcastically joked. "Not funny, Dallas! He gave me a hug! He almost called me cute! He blushed when I said he was hot!" I kept on stress rambling. I do that a lot to be honest. "Don't over analyze this. The hug was a nice gesture, he probably doesn't normally think people are cute so he got embarrassed, and he probably gets embarrassed when people say he's hot. Those are normal things! Don't blow it out of proportion!" Dally stated.

Yes Dally! Because I'm the best person to not blow things out of proportion! I'm like Marinette and Soda's Adrien.

"If you seriously think that he likes you then okay but I'm telling you man don't overthink things like this!" Dally said. "Yeah! Plus, you might have just met a life long friend! You're gonna ruin it if you bail on coffee!" Keith added.

Well no shit Sherlock! Of course I'm gonna ruin it if I bail!

"I know, I know." I got up and got my shoes on. "Oh by the way!" Two-Bit yelled. "Don't forget to wear a condom!" I flipped the little bitch off and stepped outside.

I walked to the coffee shop while thinking about some things. Why was I doing this? Did I have to do this? He will never like the real me! Why did my dumbass invite him for coffee?!?!? I was taken out of my thoughts when I ran into somebody on the street. I fell backwards on. My. ASS!!!!!!!!

"OWW! WATCH WHERE THE HELL YOU'RE GOING YOU-" I looked up and my face turned bright red. It was Soda. I'm becoming Two-Bit.

"Woah! Don't you think you'd be happy to see someone y'know?" He stretched out his hand so I could grab it. I took it and he pulled me up real quick. We ended up way too close to each other and we both turned red.

"You're short." I laughed. "Oh you shush!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the coffee shop. We walked in the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filled my nose.

"Mmm smells good in here!" Soda said happily. "It sure does! It's my favorite cafe." I looked around for an empty table. I finally found and dragged Soda to it. "Okay I'm gonna grab us the coffee's. Do you want anything specific?" I asked Soda as he sat down. "Could you get me an iced coffee with whip and a chocolate muffin? I'll pay if you want!" He took out his wallet. "Oh no! I will pay since I asked you here." I flashed my wallet at him. "It's no big deal I mean-" "I know, I know, Soda. Just me get it." I walked over to the counter before he could say anything else.

He's real sweet when you get to know him. It's also kinda cute how he offered to pay for his coffee.

"Hi what could I get for you?" The employee asked me. "One black coffee, an iced coffee with whip, and two chocolate muffins please." She rang me up. "Alrighty! That will be 27.62. Cash or credit?" "Cash." I gave her 30 and put the change into the tip jar. "And what name would you like for your order?" She asked. "Steve." I replied. "Alright! It will be done in ten minutes."

I went back and sat down across from Sodapop. He was looking at his phone. I smiled a bit. He looked real cute right now.

"Hey so what books do you wanna recommend to me?" Soda asked me. "I thought you haven't picked a book since seventh grade?" I asked him curiously. "Well I wanna try reading one. Is that weird?" He asked me. "Well I could give my copy of five feet apart but please don't watch the movie if you don't wanna sob like a child." I laughed. "Well...could I have the book?" He asked me. "I mean I have it right now so." I took it out and handed it to him. "What did you do pull this out of you ass or something?" He asked grabbing ahold of the book.

Yes I TOTALLY just pulled it out of my ass. It's kinda funny how he put it though.

"Well no, I had it in my pocket. I have pretty big pockets." I told him. "Okay then. But I don't wanna sound weird but," Soda started. "If I finish the book would you wanna come over and watch the movie?" He asked me. "So I'll be there to hold you when you cry?" I joked. He turned bright pink. "Well...maybe?" He replied. "Well sure then! Just tell me when you finish it!" I told him. "Or I could do this!" He slid me a note.

"Order for Steve!" The employee called before I could grab the note. "I'll be back." I walked up and grabbed the coffee and muffins. I came back and set them down. "Thanks!" Soda grabbed the ice coffee and chocolate muffin. I grabbed the note and opened it.

I gasped.

It was his number.

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