Movie night romance

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-Soda's POV-

"Clara! You wouldn't believe it! I gave him my number! I gave him my number!" I jumped up and down happily. "Soda! You aren't five years old anymore. But I'm glad that you're happy." Clara gave me a warm smile. "And he also gave me this book, five feet apart!" I showed her the book. "Wow! Haven't seen you read since seventh grade!" She exclaimed.

"What's all the commotion about?" Pony walked into the room. "Soda went on a coffee date and in exchange for a book he gave this person his number." Clara stated. "Wow! Soda reading? What an odd occurrence!" Pony said sarcastically. "Oh shut your trap, Pony!" I hollered. "Hey! I'm just happy my brother is reading and-oh my god you are reading a romance novel." His face dropped when he saw the kind of book I was reading.

-Steve's POV-

"He gave me? His number?" I sat at the table with my mom preparing dinner. "Who gave you his number, Steve?" My mom asked. "The kid I'm tutoring, mom! He gave me his number when we went for coffee yesterday!" I exclaimed. "Sounds like he likes you!" My mom stated. "He doesn't like me!Maybe he just needed my number for when he was stuck on homework or something."

"Steve? How oblivious can you get? You got your hots from me and your dad but I don't know where your brain went! It's gotta be somewhere!" My mom is exclaimed. "I'm passing all my classes! Of course I have a brain!" I retorted to my mom. "You have school smarts, Steve. That's different from using common sense. Hell! If I never met your friends, Keith and Dallas-" "Two-Bit!" I reminded her. "Two-Bit and Dallas, I would've thought you no common sense. At least you have more than your friends!"

My mom is honest at points but I never thought she would be this honest!

"He likes you, Steve! If you don't believe me it's your problem." My mom went back to what she was doing. I sat for a while to think. Did he like me? No. It's impossible!

-Two weeks later-

It was Saturday, again. I was sitting on the couch when Soda texted me for the fifth time.

Soda❤️: Heyyyyyy
Steve: Hey Soda!
Soda❤️: I finished reading the book!
Steve: Nice!
Soda❤️: So...would you like to come over so we could watch the movie

Was he asking me to a movie?

Steve: At your place?
Soda❤️: ofc
Steve: Alright! Let me ask my mom.

"Hey mom! Can I-" "Yes you can go to your friends house, Steve! You don't need to ask! Just don't die!" My mom yelled.

Steve: Mu mom said I can go!
Steve: *My
Soda❤️: Yay!
Steve: What's your address?
Soda❤️: its ******* ****** ****
Steve: Alright! See you there!
Soda❤️: C U

I grabbed my jacket and ran out of my room. I slid on my sneakers and waved my mom bye as I started on my trek to Sodas house.

About an hour later (after getting lost twice) I finally made it to Sodas house. It was a condo and his home was on the bottom. I knocked on the door and it swung open. There showed Soda, in a white tee, lettermen jacket, and jeans.

"Hi Steve!" He pulled me in for a hug. I awkwardly hugged him back. "Come inside! Oh and don't forget to take off your shoes!" He ran inside and I took off my shoes. He already had popcorn and Netflix on so all I had to do was sit down. I sat down next to Soda. Cuddled into me. I didn't care since this happened whenever Two got drunk. He would either cuddle up to me or to Dally.

"Okay! Here's the movie!" He turned it on and we simply just sat there, watching the movie, with him cuddled up to me.

About halfway through, I heard some sniffing. I looked down and Soda was tearing up a little. "You alright there?" I asked him. He looked up at me. "Yeah it's just..the movie is sad." He told me. He wiped his face. I don't know if my brain stopped working, but to comfort him. I. KISSED. His. FOREHEAD! I'm an idiot!

-Soda's POV-

Steve just kissed my forehead! He just kissed my forehead. HE JUST KISSED MY FOREHEAD! Gay panic! GAY PANIC! GAY! PANNICCCCCCC!!!! Am I overreacting? I'm blushing now! AAAAAAAAA!

I acted like I didn't notice and cuddled even closer to Steve. We finally got to Poe's death and I was bawling. "WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE!?!?!?" I asked. "Shhhh. It's alright." Steve cooed. Suddenly, a question came to my mind. What would it be like to kiss Steve? I waited a couple minutes and paused the movie.

"Is something wrong, Soda?" Steve asked me. "I wanted to ask you something..." I replied shyly. "Sure. What is it?" "...What would it be like to kiss you?" I turned red. He had blushed a little too. "Um, I'm not sure. You wanna find out?" He leaned forward. If I turn any redder I'm gonna burn. "Well?" Steve asked. I leaned forward a bit. When our lips touched, butterflies erupted from my stomach. It lasted a few seconds but man did it feel like heaven!

-Steve's POV-

I just kissed Soda! It felt good! So good! We pulled away and I stared at him, happily. "Steve?" Soda twiddled his thumbs. "Could you kiss me again?" He asked me. "Sure." And I kissed him once more. We finished the movie of course but still, that was one unforgettable moment. I kissed the kid I think I'm in love with.

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