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-Soda's POV-
On Friday, I walked in to class art and sat down where usually sat with. I normally sat with Johnny, since he was also a sophomore. Sometimes, I sat with my buddy from basketball, Jack.

I was looking where to sit when I recognized somebody. Steve! He was sitting in the back of the room. No one sat next to him. I walked down the row to the desk next to him.

"Steve!?!?" I exclaimed. He turned his head up and grinned. "Soda!?!? I didn't think you had this class!" I sat down next to him. "I never knew you took art!" I told him."Well yeah I like art! Did I not tell you that?" He said. "Well I guess not!" I chuckled.

The bell had rung and the art teacher still wasn't in the class so we kept on chatting away. It had already been over 5 minutes when he finally walked in.

"Afternoon class!" Mr. Roberts said. "Today we are gonna work on a love painting." He said with jazz hands.

Wasn't it March? Valentines was a couple of weeks ago.

"Now I know what your thinking! Wasn't Valentine's a while ago? Well! Because this class is slow and I want you to really analyze what exactly love is. I want you to put it within your own perspective. I want you to paint it like you actually are feeling it at the moment." He said to the class.

Maybe I could make a painting of the love I felt when I was in love with Sandy. I broke up with her after I found she cheating on me. But that was last year. How do I paint like I'm in love?

"Do we have to make a painting on it?" Steve's voice broke my thoughts. "Yes you do, Steve. It can be on a canvas or paper or whatever you consider your canvas. Since many of you are probably single at the moment, I will give until June to make this. Remember this though! It must be presented to the class so I suggest that you make a...speech on why you put it the way you did." Mr. Brown stated.

He continued to talk about this project and how it was worth most of our grade and blah blah BLAH! I'm not anywhere near in love though! Last time I was in love well you already know!

"How the fuck am I supposed to do this project?!?!?" Steve exclaimed. "I've never had a crush on anybody yet alone DATE someone!" He chuckled. "I'm kinda in the same boat. My last girlfriend cheated on me." I mentioned. "Who on god's great earth would cheat on you?!?!?! Your drop dead gorgeous!!" He blushed a lot when he realized what just said. I have to admit I blushed a bit too.

"I mean, she wasn't really my type anyway. I'm better off without her." Steve stayed silent. "If you're embarrassed that you called me gorgeous it's okay I am gorgeous" I smiled. Steve returned the smile. "I'm sorry it's just...I'm not normally giving compliments. It's kinda embarrassing for me." Steve rubbed his neck. "I guess I'm the first!" I said happily.

We continued to talk on about how we were supposed to do this project until the bell rang for next period. I packed up and walked out of class. I heard Steve run after me.

"Soda!" I turned around. "By the way...I was wondering if tomorrow you would wanna go grab a coffee or something." He asked bashfully. "I'd love to grab a coffee! Where though?" I said to Steve. "Cafe." He replied. "Alright! What time?" I asked. " 'Round nine a.m." He said. "Alright! See you then!" I gave him a hug and headed to class.

Guess I'll need to Clara if I can go. If you don't know, Clara's my personal nanny.

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