Just why?

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3rd person

For the next couple of days, even throughout the school week when it started back up, Steve ignored Soda.

He was processing too many emotions at once.

He felt that his actions were inappropriate, that he was taking things way to far.

He then felt like he was a mistake.

His mother had him when she was a teen. His whole world was collapsing, and he couldn't do a thing other loathe in his despair.

He wasn't even sure what he was doing in his life.

His grades started to slowly slip.

His 4.0 became a 3.9 which wasn't bad but more of out of the blue for Steve, he stopped hanging with his friends, especially Soda, which he wasn't sure whether he was a friend or not anymore, and his mental health took a toll.

He went into a crisis with his life.

He questioned things about himself that he never asked before.

"Was his mother raped?" "Was he going to be aborted?" "What if his father left his mom because of him?"

All those questions plagued Steve's mind throughout the day.

Meanwhile, Soda became upset of the fact Steve was ignoring him. Steve gave up the tutoring program so Soda had to take tutoring classes with his teachers after school instead.

Soda wondered why Steve was ignoring him. They still needed to work on the project. He wondered if something happened at the party. He decided to talk to his brother Darry about it.

Soda was laying in his bed, in his black sweatpants and jersey, on his phone. He rung up Darry so he could talk to him about the situation.

"This is Darrel. Leave a message after the beep." *beep*

No answer, just a voicemail.

Then he decided to call up Steve for the 2nd time that week.

"This is Steve. I'm busy." *beep*

No answer either, just straight up voicemail.

Soda laid there, wondering what he did wrong.

He was laying there when Pony walked in.

"Hey Soda!" He called. No response.

Pony went over and sat next to him, worried.

"Hey, you alright?" Pony asked. "No." Soda said.

"Steve's ignoring me." Soda said.

"Why?" Pony asked.

"I dunno." Soda replied.

"I think I love him." Soda said out loud after a bit.

"Y'all only just met." Pony pointed out.

"I don't care. I love him. But I think something happened so now he hates me. I don't want him to hate me. I can't have him hate me. He is one the coolest guys I know. He got me to read and I-I would just die if he hated me now." Soda wanted to just burst into tears.

He loved someone that probably wouldn't love him like that.

But Steve did, he just hasn't realized it yet.

"Well I think that you should try and reconcile with him. But if that doesn't work out, you need to let him go." Pony told Soda.

Soda couldn't just let Steve go. He'd barely known him, which made loving him weird. But he wanted to know him.

He was the feeling of happiness to him.

If Soda loves him, he can't just let go.

"I'll ask him tomorrow." Soda made up his mind. He was gonna confront him and ask him what the hell was his problem.

Just why?

Because, Soda just wants Steve.

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