Do I regret it?

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-Steve's POV-

"I kissed him. I KISSED HIM DALLY!" I was rocking back and forth in my bed in a fetus position. "I'm overthinking the kiss. It was just a kiss. I'm tutoring him though! What if he regrets it and everything becomes awkward? We've known each other for only two weeks! What was the point? I liked it though! But he was my first kiss. He was pretty good! Of course he was good!"

"Jesus, Steve! You're reactin worse than when you "failed" your math test in fifth grade!" Dally exclaimed. "I WANNA DIE!!" I whined flopping down. "Steve," Dally put his hand on my shoulder. "he kissed you, you kissed him, vice versa. A lot of people fall in love at first sight and you were one of them. You liked the kiss didn't you?" Dally explained. "Of course I liked the kiss dumbass!" I yelled. Two-Bit walked into the room with a beer in his hand.

"Is he still stressed out over the kiss?" Two asked. "What do you fucking think?" Dally said. "Oh lord he's been like this all week!" Two complained. "I KNEW HIM FOR LESS THAN THREE WEEKS FOR FUCK SAKE! WHY DID FUCKING KISS HIM?????" Damn it I sound pathetic.

"Okay but not to be rude but I honestly before this moment everyone kinda thought you were aro/ace like I'm just saying-" Before Two shut his trap. "Why did you think I was aro/ace I mean I'm not offended I just wanna ask." I asked him. "Well you never took an interest in anybody, we never heard of your crushes, you never really talked about anyone the way you talk about Soda..." Two rambled on. "Plus! You never really have taken an interest in someone til now." Dally added.

"Well nobody took an interest in me." I said. The room grew quiet real quick when the words left my mouth. Dally looked nervous. He never looks nervous! "Well...someone did like you." Dally muttered.

Someone LIKED ME?!?!?!

"SOMEONE LIKED ME?" It felt so weird and foreign coming out from my mouth. "Well I-I kinda told her that you weren't interested in her and she kinda laid off y-ya afterwards." Dally STUTTERED?!?!? "Oh god please tell me it wasn't Evie, please say it wasn't Evie!" I pleaded. "It was Evie..." Dally said. "Oh shit of course it was her! She was all over me until she moved away after eighth grade!" I complained.

"Yeah she kept on giving me love notes for me to give to you." Dal said. "Yeah Dally, with that evidence it's clear that he wouldn't like her." Two stated. "No shit, Sherlock! I would've rather have someone kick me in the nuts 24/7 than have to date her!" I exclaimed. "I can tell Steve." Two said aloud.

-Soda's POV-

'I kissed Steve!' I was sitting in a chair, thinking about our kiss. Do I regret it? No. I loved every part of it. His lips moving in sync with mine, the gentle way he kissed me. I knew he was a beginner but honestly he was still pretty good.

Is it weird to say I could taste some chocolate on his lips? I really enjoyed that day. I know we've only known each other for like a few weeks but I feel like I've known him my whole life.

I probably will ask him for another one at our next tutoring session.

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