Prologue | Lost

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Everything began with a simple word, well..., more of a sentence.

One sentence and his world changed. A sentence that brought doom, one that every child feared. 


A doctor looked through files on his computer and sighed briefly before glancing at the loving duo in his clinic. The mother brought in her son happily, no doubt like all other parents, expecting their child to have some powerful ability. 

The doctor sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he looked at the duo.

"Sorry kid..., but that's just never going to happen." The doctor stated. The boy's face stilled and he suddenly dropped a toy he'd brought along with him. 

"Sorry?" The mother questioned. The doctor sighed and shook his head, he grabbed hold of an image of the boy's foot and pointed toward the pinky toe.

"You see this here..., this shows that your son has an extra joint in his pinky toe. Study shows that those who have evolved and have gained quirks, are all, or mostly, missing one single joint as a child, that being the joint in their pinky toe. Of course, this is only speculation, there is no absolute method of finding whether the child will have a quirk or not. But, in the end, this is what we go off of. So on paper..., I'm afraid your son is quirkless." The doctor informed her.

The mother looked on in disbelief and glanced down at her child. Saddened eyes met hers. He'd seen this far too many times for his liking, contrary to popular belief, doctors see quirkless children rather often, it was simply that so many of these children either "disappeared", ended up killing themselves, or get killed off by the age of fifteen...

The boy looked mortified, as though his entire world had been shattered. He stood from the stool he'd been sitting on and grabbed a hold of his dropped figurine. The figure showing off All Might's brilliant smile only furthered the doctor's guilt. It was sad, however, this boy would no doubt become another one of those numbers within the suicide rates...

He sighed as he informed the mother of what this meant. That her son would be placed on a suicide watch list by the time he turns ten years old, that no doubt she'd have to take extra care of him just to make sure that others aren't harassing him on a daily basis, he went over all the things he could with her before they left the room. The mother and child changed from the happy and excited family to a mortified boy and an obliviously worried mother. 

The doctor fixed his glasses, pushing them up his nose to properly cover his eyes. That boy would have years of hardship, he only hoped that he made it to the age of sixteen.

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