Chapter 1 | His Legs Moved On Their Own

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Izuku sat on his computer, looking through recent hero activity, his mother had done all she could to keep him away from this type of stuff. However, he'd always found a way to slip passed her diligent eye. He huffed as more news about All Might played across his laptop's screen, his eyes fixated on that smile of his. He felt so out of place every time he saw it, like it was a light in this dark society he lived in. A world that only seemed to hate him...

He closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair, his head hanging over the back as he brought a hand to rub at his eyes. It was already getting late, but he couldn't sleep, not so much that he couldn't, just that he refused to. Every time he closed his eyes, a nightmare played in it's wake. His "best friend" being the sole cause of nearly all of them.

He closed his eyes for a second and ran through the memories of that evening. He sat in the middle of an almost completely empty classroom, he'd already gone through a mountain of bullying from all the other kids but, something about him being the one that said this seemed rather fitting, yet also..., painful.

He sighed deeply as he opened his eyes. It wasn't only Bakugou either, there was also the incident with the sludge villain not long ago. His mother was kept in the dark about that, she knew nothing of this incident. To be fair, he didn't even want to remember it himself. He'd gotten caught, in a fit of rage toward the world, he hadn't even struggled. He threw his things to the side and just accepted his fate.

Then of course, the one time he didn't want to see that brilliant smile, he appeared right before him. From a sewer drain no less. He sighed as he sat up in his chair, closing his eyes and resting his head on his desk. Notebooks were sprawled across his desk all torn apart from his anger earlier today. He felt bad that all that work went to waste, but he couldn't help himself...

All Might had told him to give up on his dreams, just as the doctor had when he went in to find out if he had a quirk or not. At least the doctor let him down a little easier than All Might had, all he had to say was to find a different dream, one that would matter just as much, it was good advice but..., he kind of just wished that he'd said the same thing as the doctor.

Being quirkless was apparently a sign of weakness. One can't live without a quirk these days, or so the world believes. Honestly, he's lived just fine, aside from all the harassment he's faced from his peers. He placed a hand in his hair and played with the curly green strands. Something other than that kept endlessly playing through his mind. Why did he take that route in the first place, it was the longer route home, he knew that, was it to avoid Bakugou? The boy had left nearly ten minutes before him, it didn't make sense that he'd be worried about running into him.

He shook his head as he comforted himself. That smile remained in the back of his mind as he felt a small tear fall from his eyes. Dark circles sat under them, his skin was no doubt pale since he'd been feeling sick all day. Not only that, he was super sluggish from not eating. The kids had thrown his lunch in the trash again today, stealing any money he'd brought for another one.

His eyes opened and scanned the walls filled to the brim with nothing but that man's bright overbearing smile. All Might's blue eyes caught his attention, how is it that he had never seen the truth before? Now that he looked back to a few different news broadcasts, he's seen that man before, many times in fact. In other words, All Might simply let things happen while he was in that form..., he shouldn't say that, it was more like he'd damage his own body if he were to help more. Not everyone is as mindlessly in need of pleasing others as he is, so honestly..., good for All Might for setting boundaries for himself...

He couldn't imagine the amount of guilt the man had to deal with because of it. He sighed and stood from his chair and walked over to his bed. It was already dark and the stars shining above made him realize that it was probably passed midnight by now. He covered himself with the blanket and laid there motionless in bed, his breathing slow, yet no sign of actual sleep appeared.

He stared up at the ceiling until the sky started to turn a bright blue and the sun's rays shined through his window. The dark circles under his eyes no doubt growing worse. His eyes were also reddened and puffy from crying so much before. As the light brightened his room, he saw just how much his fit of rage damaged all his things. His books were thrown and torn apart, figurines his poor mother had spent endless amounts on, shattered and tossed around as though they meant nothing. He silently prayed that one day he could make it up to her.

He groaned as he threw the covers off himself. He made his bed and grabbed another clean uniform..., did he have school today? He couldn't even remember...

He looked at his phone, a large crack ran through the screen from being thrown during the previous day's attack. He huffed in relief as he found it was already the weekend. Did all that happen on a single Friday? What a terrible start to his free time.

He threw his uniform back into the closet, grabbing some casual clothes from his drawers and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth. He went into the kitchen and found that his mother had already left, she must of left while he was in the shower. He huffed once more as he went through the fridge but found nothing.

'Looks like I'll need to take a run to the store...' He thought to himself.

In all honesty, he'd rather do anything than go outside right now, but his mother would no doubt be tired after work, so he didn't feel like placing that on her shoulders as well. He sent a quick text to her, and got his shoes on, grabbing a few things and throwing them into his pockets before heading out the door.

Locking the door behind him, he left for the store. It was a short trip, but utterly annoying after all he's gone through. He didn't even want to move, his body was covered in bruises and burns after Bakugou's bullying session and being thrown by All Might's quirk. The man needed to work on his saving tactics...

He whined silently as he entered the store, picking a few things for breakfast as well as for lunch and dinner. He didn't really feel like eating anything, but if he didn't, his poor stomach would probably hate him for the rest of his life.

As Izuku walked through the store, a scream caught him off guard, one that didn't sound playful in the least. Without a second thought, he ran to check it out. A woman stood at the cash register being threatened by a man holding a knife ordering her to hand over the store's money.

He quickly hid. However, as the man brought the knife closer to the girl, his legs seemed to move on their own. He internally shouted at himself to turn around and run for the hills, but his body refused to listen. He shouted for the man to leave her alone and threw his basket at the bastard, but within seconds the man had regained his composure and slashed in his direction.

Izuku's body ran cold at the sight of the knife, an odd gurgling sound came from somewhere close to him..., his body fell to the ground and suddenly he'd realized where that sound came from..., it was from him. He looked down at his hands and body, blood spilled from his throat and he instantly fell to the ground, screams were all he heard from around the building. That was the last thing he remembered before everything went, darkness flooding his vision.

- Editor-chan is back, ( ̄ヘ ̄;) Had to take a small break since work has been picking up. LilLemon is also slow at writing, so I figured there wasn't much point in worrying... -

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