Chapter 8 | A Sense Of Taste

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"Speaking" 'Thinking' (Let's pretend that he isn't holding alcohol in his hands, K.)

The two walked into a small apartment building, a large amount of bags in hand. She sighed as the elevator was once again malfunctioning and pointed toward a door with the stairs symbol on it. Izuku couldn't help but hide a smile at her clear as day annoyance. 

As they walked up the stairs, he could feel his legs slightly shake beneath him, he slowed down a bit as he walked up them, noticing that his body was probably having a hard time. It was one of the downfalls of not being able to feel pain, he won't be able to notice if his body's had enough unless he's actually paying attention.

"Izuku? What's wrong?" Mihori asked as she looked back at him. He was looking down at his legs, so she got the idea. "Take it slow, we're already in the apartments, so there's no need to rush yourself." Mihori told him. Izuku simply nodded as he slowly took each step, being careful of his shaky legs.

The two slowly made their way throughout the building and finally made it to her apartment, a small studio with a rather strange floor plan. It looked like the owner tried and failed to separate the area, making the kitchen look a little strange, but aside from that, it was a a fairly normal studio apartment, not that Izuku would know what one of those looked like.

"Set your things by the bed, I'm going to clean myself up real quick." Mihori told him. Izuku internally sighed as she walked into the bathroom and quickly closed the door. He instead placed all the bags onto the couch, adamant that he took the couch, there was no point in kicking her out of her own bed just because he decided he didn't want to go with his mother.

He worried slightly that it'd make Mihori upset with him though, he simply shook his head, taking a seat on the couch and looking around the little apartment. There was a surprising amount of plants in the apartment..., it made the place really green. Art work of many different kinds hung on the walls and made the apartment feel more 'Lived in', not to mention the bit of clutter everywhere. 

A smile pulled at his stitches as he looked at everything. The bed was pretty much right next to the couch, which made things a tad uncomfortable, but he didn't mind it. Mihori came out of the bathroom and frowned as she found him stationed on the couch, he already looked comfortable, so she could do nothing but shake her head as she pulled a few things from her fridge and set them in front of him. He frowned as he looked at them, not liking the thought of eating since everything tasted disgusting, honestly at this point, he wouldn't be surprised if dirt actually tasted better than food...

Izuku looked up at her with uncertainty.

"I know you don't like to eat, but if you don't, you'll end up starving and finding yourself right back in the hospital." Mihori told him. "Besides, that will help you wash it down, you might even be able to taste it too, it's stronger than everything else." Mihori told him, pointing at a bright pink bottle with a little peach on it's tag.

Izuku looked at her in confusion as she sat down next to him and opened up her own, quickly eating a small bento box she'd gotten from the little corner store not too far from the apartment.

Izuku sighed as he looked down at, he wasn't all that interested in food, it was literally like eating sand or insects, they just didn't have any taste and were super grainy against his teeth.

Instead, he opened up the can and drank a bit of it, to his surprise, he actually kind of tasted something. His taste buds were pretty much out of commission, so he wasn't exactly sure how he could taste anything. It was more so like drinking straight chemicals, a weird taste that he didn't even know how to describe.
(More so, I don't know how to describe... ( ̄ヘ ̄;) Also, I kind of know how not being able to taste anything is like, since covid swept through and completely destroyed my sense of taste. I was eating very bland food, most of the time just avoiding food all together cause it made me feel sick.) (He's kind of drinking an energy drink, think monster, bang, or red bull.)

"Oh? Do you like that?" Mihori asked him as she flicked on the TV. Izuku looked up at her, startled out of his thoughts. He slowly nodded as he calmed himself down. He wasn't expecting to actually taste anything, normally there'd be nothing, but there was a hint of something in this drink, he kind of wondered if there were others like it.

Mihori snickered as she looked at him. "You can't have too many of those, about one a day, and even that much is pushing it, they can be bad for your heart." ( Know this from personal experience after drinking them like water throughout middle school and high school...
(╥﹏╥).) She warned him. Izuku simply nodded, slightly disappointed at her words.

The two grew comfortable as he was forced to eat the bento box and watch TV. Yet another hero channel was on, it was pretty much all they had on anymore, that or for some reason they played western films from time to time with pretty bad translation...

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