Chapter 19 | The First of Many

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Izuku looked back at the man he dragged, his leg broken so he barely moved. He was breathing and awake, struggling against his grip. Izuku let the man go, leaving the knife in so he didn't bleed out. He looked down at the man, kicking him harshly on his other side, sending him a few inches back. The man screamed, Izuku didn't care if he got caught at this point, his anger was so thick, he could barely control his own thoughts. He wanted to do something to the man, he just didn't know what, he didn't know why it was so easy to hurt the man, maybe it was knowing that this was probably what he had planned to do to Mai, the thought made his head spin. If he hadn't been there with her until closing..., would he have gotten a hold of her. Izuku stumbled slightly, noticing his body grew even heavier.

He was bleeding from the injury, as well as from the tears along his mouth, the stitches hanging. His eyes darted around as he noticed his vision blurring. He didn't want to let the man get away, he didn't want him to do such things to others, he didn't want to give him the chance to get to Mai in an act of revenge. Izuku stumbled slightly, he'd fallen in front of the man and he'd taken the chance to land another hit, snagging the knife deep in his stomach and stabbing him again, this time in the side of his throat. Izuku fell backwards, it was hard to breath and he felt like throwing up, he didn't even know he was capable of feeling that.

He glanced at the man before him, somehow, even through all the pain, he'd stood up, standing over Izuku with a thick grin. It was similar to the one Izuku had on a moment before. Izuku's vision became hazy as the rain poured over them, his mind reeled and suddenly he couldn't see anything. All he could hear was the sound of the rain, the shuffling of the man's feet. He didn't want to let him escape, he didn't want to let this man hurt anyone else. He should have..., he should have just killed him when he had the chance, did he hesitate? Why...? Why would he, who couldn't even feel anything, hesitate to kill someone?

Izuku's numb body started to feel needle prickles all about, as if his entire body was falling apart, he couldn't move, his body refusing to do anything, his back was wet, the rain wasn't helping it either. Izuku could hear himself choking, no doubt on his own blood. He couldn't help but wonder if this was what he'd heard the day his throat had been slit. It was so strange, his body grew more cold, and suddenly, even his thoughts grew dim, leaving him there in nothing but a semi-conscious husk. Even that came to an end as his brain shut down to conserve what little energy it had left.

Izuku's body probably lied there for hours, the rain continued to pour all the way to daylight. The man had escaped, and he was left in a dark alley, lying in a puddle of his own blood, it was slowly washed away by the rain, making a somewhat thick deep red puddle below him. His clothes soaked and his body unmoving and a light purple and blue forming along his pale skin. He was nothing but a husk at this point, his blood no longer falling from each of his wounds as there was nothing left to bleed. 

As daylight came about, people had began to leave their homes to head to work, he himself was supposed to be at work later in the day, what would the old man think if he didn't show up. Would Mai look for him, would they call the police once she finds his things at the train but him gone. It wouldn't matter, these weren't even his thoughts at this point, he wasn't alive after all.


A boy with blue hair was out for a run, he'd gone out for a run nearly every morning since the school year had began, as he turned a corner by accident, he found himself in a dark alley. The boy was about to turn back onto the main street, but as he looked down, he noticed his shoe was red, because of the rain this morning, there were puddles everywhere, even on the sidewalk where he normally ran, so he tried to find an area that the sun hit to avoid getting wet. 

Curious at the tint to the puddle, he walked further into the alley, the ground was soaked and red, it was incredibly dark, so he couldn't really see much, as he walked further, he suddenly tripped and fell into another puddle. He stood up quickly and went to brush himself off when suddenly he found himself covered in a deep and thick substance, the ground was slippery so it was hard to find the right spot to stand. He looked around as the realization of what he'd tripped over was. It was just light enough with the overhead light of the sky that he found himself staring directly at the body of a man. A knife stuck deep in his throat. The horror set in as he found himself covered in the man's blood, his body told him to scream, but he was afraid that who ever had done this was still nearby, instead he dug out his phone and instantly called for help. He felt like throwing up, his body trembling as he looked over the body before him.

Something caught his eye though, the scar over his throat, the torn stitches sewn into his lips. This man may have been a villain them self. He waited for someone to come as he fell to the ground, sliding as far away from the deep red puddle as he could. He'd never imagined seeing a dead body would be this..., gruesome. His skin was even blue, he'd heard that when the skin starts to turn blueish then they'd probably been dead for over twelve hours. The boy let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. It didn't help the fact he felt like throwing up, but at the same time, he was thankful at the thought the one who'd done this was no longer nearby. 

"Is he..., dead..." A small voice startled the boy, he looked around and his eyes widened at the sight of a small girl, her hands covered in blood as well. The boy stood up, slipping slightly on all the blood he steadied himself against the alley wall.

"You shouldn't be here." The boy told her, trying to guide her away from the scene, but the little girl pushed passed him.

"He's my guardian angel! He saved me! He saved me from that man!" The little girl shouted as she began to cry, pushing the boy away and running to Izuku's body. "He saved me at the park too! Daddy would have hit me again if I lost it! He saved me two times, he's my guardian angel! He can't be dead!" The little girl shouted and cried as she shook Izuku's body, her hands covered in his blood as well as staining her clothes.

The boy didn't even know what to do, he'd thought that this man was a villain, he was actually the victim in this situation, a vigilante as they called them. The boy felt sick as the little girl shook the body, trying to wake him up. He nearly threw up at the sight, how could she be ok with covering herself in blood to try and help someone who's already dead. 

He was about to pull her away from the body, when he felt a hand grab his arm. He flinched, but sighed as he found his teacher before him. "Ah! Sensei!" the boy shouted in surprise. The man hushed him and moved toward the body of the man, to his surprise, it was actually a boy, one he somewhat recognized at that, it was the boy from the missing posters. Although he looked different, it was definitely him. The man sighed in annoyance at the gruesome sight before him. The little girl crying her heart out toward a boy she probably didn't even know. 

The man pulled the little girl away, ignoring as she screamed and lashed out at him to let her go, to let her help him. Asking him to wake the boy up. He handed the little girl over to the blue haired boy and sent him away to the police outside of the alley, leaving him alone with the body.

"Damnit..." He whispered as he looked at the boy's disfigured features, his throat completely destroyed and scarred, his lips torn apart by the stitches that had been keeping them in place. His body was cold and unmoving. Officers flooded into the alley and all halted at the sight before them, some of them even having to leave to avoid contaminating the scene.

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