Chapter 20 | Within The Mortuary

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Izuku's eyes opened slowly, his body was freezing, his jacket wasn't on him, it made him feel oddly cold. He looked around, the room was dark, he was stationed on a table in an empty room. He went to sit up, noticing the room resembled a hospital, only far more medical equipment here than he thought there'd be.

He wasn't on a bed like he had been while in a coma, he was instead on a hard table, medical equipment stationed next to the table as if ready to be used. His body felt odd, he didn't feel like he'd just been stabbed multiple times, of course, he couldn't feel anything but a tiny pin prick at most times, but this, he couldn't even feel the injury. He slid off of the table, finding his legs strangely stronger then before. He knelt down, noticing that they didn't crack or click at each movement. It didn't make sense, before this, his body was a disaster, every part of him cracked as if his joints were older than time.

Another thing he noticed, his mind was strangely clear, before he'd woken up, he found himself constantly in thought, constantly on the edge of thinking bad thoughts. In depression as most people called it, but he felt different now for some reason, like his mind had been rewired. Izuku looked at his body, he was indeed naked, he looked around, noticing his clothes were thrown into a bin, they were completely covered in blood, his blood.

He noticed a bathroom attached to the room, walking into it, his eyes widened at the sight of him. His body had gotten bigger, originally he looked malnourished and pale, no although still pale to the point his veins nearly visibly showed, his body was thicker, like he actually worked out more. It would be weird if the hospital didn't notice this, there was also the fact..., his wounds were nowhere to be seen, not even a scar left in their place. Unfortunately, even with this change, the wound to his throat still remained, his lips as well, the disfigurement grotesque to look at, the doctor had apparently resewn his lips, however this time it was from the inside. 

He walked out and grabbed a pair of thick scissors, walking back to the bathroom and opening his mouth slightly, thick wire-like string in it's place, he snipped a few of the stitches, awkwardly trying to tie them off inside his mouth. 

He could taste iron..., taste. Izuku looked at himself, opening his mouth slightly and looking at his tongue, he wasn't able to taste anything before, aside from chemicals that is. His tongue was bumpy and red, it was no doubt from throwing up his own blood. Even though the wounds were gone, his blood was still there. His hair seemed to have grown a bit longer too, he didn't understand how something like that was possible, an acceleration quirk? That wouldn't explain the wounds not even leaving a scar though, not to mention his body looking less malnourished, in the case of a quirk like that, it'd normally take up your fat reserves in return, like living out weeks without eating or even drinking a thing.

Izuku moved his bangs to the side, they covered his face annoyingly. He wanted to chop them off, but if the police found out he was alive through his DNA, then it'd just make things worse for him, it was better if everyone thought he was dead.

Izuku put the bloody clothes back on, it was awkward as they didn't slip up as easily now that his body had grown again, he'd gained weight no doubt, meaning his clothes would fit strangely. He looked at his jacket, noticing that with his arms being thicker as well, the sleeves would likely be troublesome. He forced his pants up, ignoring the sound of ripping coming from the legs, he walked out of the bathroom with only the pants on, thankfully noticing a large enough medical jacket, the white coat even had a name on it. Someone was careless.

he grabbed it and draped it over his body, looking around for anything else he felt like taking now that he was stealing anyway. He noticed a locked cabinet in the corner, likely the drug cabinet, though, considering this place didn't look like a normal hospital, he felt strange even thinking about what kind of meds they'd have.

He decided against it and instead looked toward the obviously locked door, thankfully it was locked with a key on the outside and a tiny knob on the inside, all he did was twist it to the side and walked out, ignoring the fact he neither had socks or shoes on, this was an escape attempt after all. Though he clearly found that no one was in the building, that wasn't the only disturbing thing, there were coffins all around the place... he was in a morgue, a funeral home for burial prep...

His hands shook despite not being able to feel them. Had he died? No, there's no way that happened, the hospital must have made a mistake, there was no way he died. It wasn't possible to come back from the dead..., how long had he been asleep though.

It was still dark out, but if they ruled him dead just from seeing him in the alley, they'd probably taken him to the morgue in the police station, then transferred him here, even that process would have taken at the very least a few hours, it would be light out if that were the case..., but it's dark out, so it's been at least a day, maybe even more than that...

Izuku looked around the place, deciding to look for any more clothes that may have been left behind. He noticed a staff uniform hanging in what he assumed was the dressing/locker room. He snagged it, though the clothes were bigger than he was, it was better than being covered in blood or not wearing clothes at all. He took off the doctor's coat, leaving it hanging where the uniform was. He hurriedly changed and looked around a bit more, noticing a phone, he was tempted to try and call Mihori..., but then he remembered that he still couldn't talk. Even after all this time after waking up from the coma, he still felt as if he could speak. He couldn't even remember the sound of his own voice.

Izuku ignored anything else that wasn't his or something that he needed and hurried toward the double doors working as an entrance to the funeral home. He looked for the lock for the doors, noticing it at the very top and hurriedly unlocking it, finding himself in a part of the city he hadn't been to. He looked around, trying to find a landmark, or maybe a building he could recognize, to his disappointment, there was nothing. He walked down the street, looking for something he could recognize, though there were a few people around, aside from glancing at his facial disfigurements, none of them really paid him any mind. It was as if the injury never even happened, like he was already dead.

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