Chapter 12 | Police At Mihori's Place!?

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

"Dad!" The kid shouted as she entered the bookstore, she stilled as she found the place cleaned up. All of the work she was meant to do was completely finished, she snaked a look toward Izuku and back to her father guiltily.

"Mai, you're lucky I don't cut your allowance in half. From here on out you'll be working with the kid next to you. Don't bother him with all of your bullshit." Her father warned her. Izuku sighed inwardly, realizing that the two's relationship wasn't all that great. All though, he did learn the kid's name out of it.

Izuku stepped away from Mai slightly, fumbling with the hems of his sleeves. "Hey kid, why don't you head on home, you've done enough for the day." The old man told him. Izuku simply nodded and walked toward the counter, the old man handed him a couple of bills as well as a few coins. With that, Izuku slowly walked over to a stack of books he'd been looking through and grabbed two of them, slowly making his way to the back door and waiting for the old man to check which books he'd grabbed.

With that, he was out of there, despite the worry he held for Mai's situation, he was tired, his body especially so, his legs were still shaking from all the walking that happened throughout the day. It was slowly starting to get dark too.

He made his way back to the apartment complex and noticed a small group forming around the building, not only that, men and a couple of women dressed in blue and what looked like heavy vests were around the front of the building. He wasn't sure who they were or why they were around the building, but he wasn't all that comfortable with walking through the crowd, so instead, he decided to stay back and observe for a while.


"I heard a kidnapped boy might be in there, what was his name again?" 

"Who cares, the kid was quirkless anyway, wasn't he? He probably ran away or something."

"Oh don't say that, not everyone can be blessed with quirks you know, but that aside..., you're probably right."

"Hey, why are the police all up in arms about a quirkless kid anyway? Don't they usually chock it up to suicide or a runaway or something?"

"Well they said that this kid was special, apparently he might have gained a quirk after nearly dying. Although, that's only speculation from the hospital."

"Really? How does that even happen? I thought having a quirk was determined from birth?" 

"Who cares, the hospital probably lied so the police will look into it more."


Izuku was confused at all the chatter. As far as he knew, he was still quirkless, that is, if they were even talking about him. That wasn't really what concerned him though, talk about the police kept coming up. Mihori was thankfully still at work, but the fact they even tracked them down to here was concerning. He was thankful that it was hard to recognize him, otherwise someone probably would have already ratted him out.

One of the big problems with this, all of his clothes were in there..., he hoped they wouldn't search her apartment too thoroughly, otherwise they'll find out that he was there very quickly. He had to find a way to tell Mihori about this, but he wasn't exactly sure where Mihori even worked.

Izuku slipped away in disappointment, there was nothing he could do at this point, so he took the books he'd been carrying along with him and walked around the back alley Mihori had shown him. From there, he decided to pay a visit to the little park he'd found while searching for Mai. The police used a picture of him from before his coma, so he wasn't too worried about being discovered, but even with that being the case, he still shared a lot of similarities with the picture, his hair was still green after all, even if it was longer now. 

He was also a fair bit taller than he was in the picture, he wasn't really sure why the police were using that picture to begin with, he didn't even look the same anymore. It was like they weren't even actually trying to find him, instead just trying to find some kind of clue to finally call him dead or keep it as him missing. 

He'd learned far back, pretty much even before he picked up a book, Mihori had specified this to him. People, don't like quirkless people, even more so quirkless children. They didn't care what happened to them, because they held no future in this world. There was no point in forming an attachment...

In a way it was bittersweet, even after pretty much coming back from the dead, he didn't have a quirk, so his life would be almost the exact same as it was before..., of course, he wasn't the old him, he couldn't even remember the old him. Let alone the people he'd known before this...

Izuku walked slowly and sat on the same bench he'd taken a small rest at before, watching as the kids played on the playground. He hated that he looked so creepy, but he couldn't even change that, because..., he was creepy, he had stitches along his lips so he didn't cause himself another injury, not only that, the scar around his neck was so disgusting looking..., that if a kid were to see it, he's pretty sure they'd run away crying...

Izuku massaged his temples, pushing away his bangs slightly as he rubbed at his eyes. He didn't understand why he survived, why he'd woken up from the coma..., was there really even a point to it all? What was he even brought back for, when there was nothing for him to live for. Especially when he can't even remember what he was actually living for before all of this. To save people? What kind of joke was that..., he was quirkless, any normal person these days would look at him like he was an idiot for even thinking of helping someone when he couldn't even help himself.

Izuku slumped into the bench, sighing inwardly as he looked up at the sky through his bangs. He didn't want to continue all of this..., he wanted to know why he was brought back, why he survived..., why didn't he die.

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