Chapter 13 | A Little Help

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

"Uh..., Mr... could you help me?"

Izuku was startled from his thoughts, no longer in a state of near panic. He looked down and found a little girl looking up at him, she looked almost terrified just coming up to him. She pointed up in a tree, a small yellow frisbee stuck up in a branch.

Izuku slowly stood up, placed a small hand on the kids head before walking up to the tree and slowly climbing up the oddly placed branches all around the trunk. He reached up, and grabbed hold of the round frisbee, jumping down and nearly falling as his legs still weren't used to too much physical activity. He stayed standing anyway and walked back over to the kid, handing it over to her. She seemed in awe of him, however, he didn't allow her to ask her anything more as he soon grabbed the few books he'd brought with him and decided to carry on for the night, hopefully he could find a place to stay, a place to sleep since he couldn't go back to Mihori's for a while.

Izuku stilled as he noticed a few police officers looking around the area, clearly they found something. He quickly walked the opposite direction from where he'd seen them, hoping that they wouldn't find him. The little girl from the park thankfully went back to playing, probably completely forgetting about him.

He walked as fast as he could without making himself look overly suspicious, he already looked creepy as is, having a police officer find him in this state would be annoying. He walked toward the woods, deciding that it'd probably be the only place the police wouldn't bother to check. He kept walking for nearly thirty minutes, however, he tripped over something hard. He fell over and landed pretty harshly against what seemed to be a train rail. Looking around, he noticed that an old train sat on it, completely stationary, it had been abandoned like this, completely covered in old graffiti, now a days, he's pretty sure that others wouldn't even be able to find it, if he hadn't been running from the police, even he wouldn't have found it.

Izuku stood up from the track, ignoring the small trickling of blood down his arm that came from a couple of scratches. It'd probably form a mean bruise around it, but since he couldn't feel anything to begin with, it didn't really bother him. He followed along the train, his hand pressing against the metal in fascination. He'd only seen these in pictures since he'd woken up from his coma. They'd been passed up since they didn't have much use in Japan anymore. Resources were delivered in large trucks, meaning cargo trains weren't necessary, passengers now rode in bullet trains that completely overtook Japan. A fast speed rail that could get you to the next station in a mere couple of minutes. Trains just weren't useful anymore. He didn't really understand why they'd just leave them here though, they looked like they'd been sitting here for a long time, plants already traveling up the metal beast and traveling up it's walls.

Izuku's fingers tangled into the little moss and ivy vines that formed along the train's walls, he followed down the rail tracks for another couple of minutes before finding himself face to face with even more abandoned trains. It was an old rail yard, a place where trains came to rest and restock, now though, it was simply an abandoned resting place that no more had any use to it. It was almost sad, something humans used on a daily basis now went completely unused and abandoned... Forgotten even.

He looked around the rail yard, a large building off in the distance, he wasn't all too keen on sneaking inside when there could be alarms. So instead, he looked around the trains, specifically the passenger trains. He climbed one of the ladders into the train and slammed his body into the old rusty door, it crashed to the side and opened up for him, showing an old dusty passenger section, the cushions mildly torn apart by rodents or some other animal that managed to make it's way inside. He smiled slightly, ignoring the light pull from the stitches.

He made his way further into the train, rubbing his hand against an old cracked glass window that showed the outside. The dust moved aside, clear crystal showing the trees from where he'd come from. He'd found the perfect temporary hideout. Although, it would no doubt get cold at night, he didn't really have to worry about that since he couldn't feel it to begin with.

He placed the books on a small table between two booth-like seats, opening up the books and beginning to read, no interest in the world surrounding him. At this rate, he'd need to grab a few more books as well, he'd end up finishing these quickly. He found it far easier to absorb the knowledge from the books, it was probably  because he couldn't remember anything from before his coma, meaning the knowledge he was getting from the books were taking up the space where all those memories were probably stored.

Even with that being the case, he didn't really care, he couldn't imagine memories from before the coma would be all that necessary, in all honesty..., he didn't really want them back, even if he's lost at the moment because of them, he's probably far better off without them.

 The two books he'd chosen were somewhat surrounded around quirks and hero history, although he wasn't all that interested in heroes from the current age, he found olden day heroes rather interesting. They weren't called heroes back then, rather called vigilantes instead. They interfered with the police all the time, only getting the title of hero after the police could no longer handle the villains and criminals that were popping up relentlessly. Heroes became an incredibly prominent figure within Japan, actually, they became prominent all over the world. Scientists and heroes came together and began working on gear to enhance quirks as well as using their quirks to create what would have previously been impossible without the help of quirks.

Some of the creations they'd made were incredible, it was a little disappointing that they required specific quirks though, it kind of diminished the science in it a little, it wasn't completely made out of gears and chemicals, rather it was entirely reliant on the user's quirk. 

The history of heroes wasn't regularly taught in schools, apparently the government no longer wanted kids learning that heroes originally came from criminals. Criminals that took the law into their own hands. Back before quirks were all over the place, heroes were considered nothing but a nuisance to the police force, especially when a war had begun between the quirkless and the quirk users.

Izuku stayed up until morning reading the books, almost entranced in the detail in the "Science" behind quirks. To be fair, he doesn't think any amount of science could help humans in understanding where quirks came from, they completely went against the laws of nature, yet for some reason, even some animals show signs of having quirks, they simply don't possess the intelligence to use them properly...

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